As we planned since a year ago, on June 9, 2012 we went to Jakarta with 13 family members. Initially 18 of us went to Jakarta then Bandung but then 5 of us cancelled..Rugi weiiii.. heee.. Never mind get more fund, then next year we will go again..We started our journey memang very the very early in the morning. Just imagine that our flight was at 7.00AM. And we had to be at the airport at least 2 hours before that. So bertolak dari rumah the earliest adalah at 4.15AM.. Mengantuk beb.
Disebabkan i jadi kepala rombongan (as usual lah. macam Abang Irfan cakap, ibu agent perlancungan) maka teman jadi orang yang the busiest lah.. ALHAMDULLILAH everything went smoothly today.
Anak - anak yang paling happy. Kept asking me about the trip since a month ago. Toye je muka depa. Mengantuk.
Ahli rombongan yang lain, My Mommy, me, My Daddi,
Hubby ( tak tau kenapa buat muka macam tu lah), Miz PiJa, Chef CiJu (ahli tetap..heee), Chef KoYa, TokNgah,
CiTi, Cle Mere, and Abang Luqman (tak de pulak dalam gambar), .
Macam - macam telatah dari 'PELAWAK' kami ni.

About half an hour later....
Makan time, macam breakfast lah.. I just took half of this, Nasi Bukhara with Hot Tea.
about 8.00AM Jakarta time (Malaysia was at 9.00AM) we safely landed at Soekarno Hatta Jakarta.
Mendaratlah rombongan CikKiah.
Kami terus naik shuttle bus. Air Asia punya. Why lah kat Malaysia kita kena menapak.. I love this shuttle bus macam ni. Tak lah penat menapak.
Penuh separuh bus dengan ahli rombongan.. Hee. the weather was so great. Pleasant. Jakarta had rain almost everyday since 4 days ago. I worried if it was too hot, My Mommy akan susah. Biasalah elderly kan.. Some more, she bit sensitive dengan panas - panas ni.We santai - santai. After Immigration, we decided to have our breakfast at the airport cafe. We also noticed there was nobody there. So great for us yang ramai - ramai.
Starter we took Spring Roll. Sedapppp.. Yang bestnya walaupun takat 3 ketul je, presentation still superb.

Nasi Timbel as replacement for Nasi Lemak. Just Nasi Timbel ni plain rice je. and dia ada soup. Sayur Asem kot.. Sebab rasa masam..
Nasi Goreng Kampung. (Of coz different from nasi kampung kita. Indonesian version). Kata My Daddi, sedap. We requested for the new one... ALAMAK licin lah.. hee.. Baru pagi hari dah habis?? Maybe nasi dia lah kot. Kami pulun semua. Heee
I just love to show my drink. M A C C H I A T O L E M O N G R A S S . Hubby also took this.
E s T e l l e r pun ada wei.. heee...
Perut dah kenyang, kami terus keluar dan disambut our supir, Pak Yasum. Full our van with us and luggage. Heee..Driver ni kira sempat panic lah menyusun all the luggage. Then we also helped him arrange the luggage.. Lawak betul. Lagipun we were so hot here and needed to be in the van for the cool air.
See our luggage. Tak cukup kat belakang, penuh seat kat depan ni.. Heee...
Menujulah kami ke Kota Jakarta. Here i gave to the driver Rp100.000 for toll. And youuuuuu i noticed he didnt give me the balance. Well it's ok.. I m sure many tolls maybe kat depan tu. I sendiri pun dah lupa ada lagi ke tak.. Kita tunggu je lahh..
Kami terus ke Sriwijaya Hotel.
Semua dah capek deh. After settled every thing at the hotel's counter, terus masuk bilik.. Nak rehat kejap.. Penat dan mengantuk. We needed rest for awhile before heading for next itinerary. Tunggu yeee... Banyak nak cerita.. Alon - alon yah.. heee.. Lagipun i still feel tired right now.. But i will do it slowly.. Again.. ALON - ALON..
Narrated by Ibn Abbas
The Prophet and his companions reached Mecca in the morning of the 4th Dhul-Hijja reciting Talbiya (O Allah! We are obedient to your orders, we respond to your call) intending to perform Hajj. The Prophet ordered his companions to assume the lhram for Umra instead of Hajj, excepting those who had Hadi (sacrifice) with them.
Bestnyer kak Yan..meriah dengan ahli rombongan yg ramai tu lagi..saya bandung belum sampai lagi europe jer dah sampai:D
ReplyDeletehuuu.huuu.. akak lak tak pernah sampai Europe.. ntah lah bila. Macam awak bila balik Malaysia nanti sure boleh aje nak peggi Bandung ni.. Start je engine kapai terbang.. hee..
DeleteSeronoknya dapat berjalan denga seluruh ahli keluarga. :)
Deletepg nie rasa best dpt baca post nie. tp kena singgah balik sbb ada pic yg xdpt tgk sbb tenet slow...huhuuuu
ReplyDeletethanks sudi meluangkan masa membaca my N3..boleh je kalau nak mai hari2. hee..
Deletesalam kak, arini br dpt tgk semua pic akak yg best2 nie...
Deleteooo ye ke.. besar sangat ye maka susah nak load cepat... tapi akak suka letak gambar banyak2 dan besar2.. puas gitu..
DeleteSeronok kan pegi bandung...i prgi bln april hari tu duk rasa lg seronok tu..hehe jakun i ni...but mmg best bkn nya shoppg sgt tapi dah cuaca kat bandung tu yg buat seronok nk jln2....and i mmg suka banglo2 yg dibuat fo kat sana..ishh bila nk pi lg ni? Kena star menabung lg nii :) i pun sama..tak suka panas2...rimas
Deletei ni org shopping sakan i pulak makan sakan.. hee.. tapi mmg i spent for baju raya anak kat sini. berbaloi..
Ape kata pasni kak yan jadi travel agent utk kengkawan lak?
ooo akak mmg ada buat Hanie. ke Bandung pernah sekali. Ke Bali perrnah 2 kali... Tahun depan paling sibuk. 3 or 4 jobs for Kashmir and Bandung for weekends. Amacam? nak joint?
Deleteseronok jalan2 macam nie , ramai2 kan kak yan
ReplyDeleteaah betul cakap h2n3 tuu ekekke akk jadi egent kami2 lakk
seronok kalau berjalan dgn org xpert macam akk nie
rasa safety sgt2 .. ;)
akak anytie dear.. yg penting kita happy..
DeleteKak Yan org paling biziest memang selalu lebih letihnya. Bestkan dapat gi jenjalan reramai ngan family mcm tu.
ReplyDeleteALHAMDULLILAH..yg penting depa happy.. balik ni badan still sakit macam nak apa..
DeleteJalan2 ramai mcm ni mmg best dan meriah lagi.,.
Deleteseronoknya dapat jalan2 bersama keluarga....
ReplyDeleteALHAMDULLILAH.. now dah jadi acara tahunan.. mesti ke luar Malaysia. Takat Indon lah..
Deleteseronok dpt berlibur beramai-ramai dgn ahli keluarga. saya ni...payah betul nak ajak depa join sama.ada saja kekangan masa..
ReplyDeleteKitarang plan ni almost a year.. heee..
Deletewah kak yan mmg jln sakan ni...hehe
ReplyDeletehee... sesekali dear. sama family lagi kan.
DeleteWah , ini hotel yg sama yg saya duduk pada 2009.
ReplyDeleteoo ye ke Nieda..Ok lah kan hotel dia.. so so lah.
DeleteSo, apa jadi dengan balance duit tol tu kak? ~ekekekee...
ReplyDeleteJenuh nak menapak bila landing kat malaysia kan..AA kat Indon much better service
Deletemmg jenuh. masa akak sakit dulu tu siap amik wheel chair lagi..
ooo ada shuttle ye kak...
ReplyDeleteseingat saya dulu (hujung 2007) saya g turun airport soekarno tu flight AA terus attach kat lorong keluar tu mcm kita naik MAS ... balik pun sama ...
ooo AA now guna terminal sendiri. itu yg ada shuttle.
Deletebestnya jalan ramai2 kak. tapi jakarta dan bandung tu machet teramat kak. cukup masa tak utk shopping?
ReplyDeletebandung mmg puas hati shopping.. Jakarta kami jalan2 je..
Deletetahun lepas acu bawa kaum kerabat family acu 11 orang ke Bandung
ReplyDeletepenat mengurus kan nye tapi puas hati bila tengok semua ahli rombongan hepi :)
betull acu..heee..semua kita nak handle..