Jangan lupa jenguk sini gak ye.. P A R T 1
about at 2.30PM (Jakarta time), we went out for our late lunch.. Apa lagilah terjah je Nasi Padang.. Depan hotel kami je...Tapi nak crossed of coz we were afraid. The traffic was not like in KL ok.heee...Mau tak cross sampai sudah.
Nasi Padang memang My Daddi's favorite. Kami terjah Sari Minang.
See.. the choices tu memang biat rambang mata..
This is a must dish.
I love this.. Telur Ikan.. Sodappp..
Semua keasyikan. Tak perduli keliling tu.
My drink - Orange Juice. Superb..
Soda Gembira.
Dessert - Agar - agar Gula Merah..
Duta Masakan Padang.
After lunch we went to Kidzania which located at Pacific Place. Shopping mall. I had already promised my kids to go here. So kena tunai janji lah.. If not sure they got mad.. Ye lahh.. nanti di Bandung para ibu sibuk bershopping. Kesian kat depa.
Seronok sakan depa kat sini . Lama depa here. Nasib baik Chef CiJu and Chef KoYa jadi guardians for them. If not, sure i yang kena.. Memang i tak larat lah..
Suka this interior.
Siap dapat driving licence lagi..Muka - muka puas hati..
Meanwhile, i took a chance to lepak - lepak lah. Sambil minum di Cafe Betawi.. Boleh lah cuba macam - maca here. Food exploring.. heee.. I lepak with My Daddi, My Mommy, and TokNgah. While the rest meronda sekitar mall ni..
Elderly ni kena banyak rehat while traveling. Yang i ni pun macam orang teuk gak lah.. Cepat sakit kaki.. Lagipun since balik dari Kashmir i dah rasa ok. Then i forgot about my medicine. Sooooo.. this is the result.. My kaki swollen balik.. Emmmm...Ok lahh.. cite sal makan dulu..
I ordered ni. Padahal dah makan tadi kan.. heee.. I took this Pisang Bakar Keju.. Sedap weiii.. lomak - lomak gituu...
i also took this. Namanya Kue Rangi. Macam dari sago..Makan dengan air gula merah yang dicampur nangka.. Emmm.. so creative.
Sedap air ni.. Chincau Ijo Gula Merah.. Macam rasa cendol..
I took Coffee Ice.

Di sinilah i berkesempatan bertemu dengan My Indonesian frens, Yanti (cerita pasal Yanti banyak D I S I N I ) and Aswin (cerita Aswin kat S I N I) ...Yanti tolong i buat reservation on train to Bandung while Aswin helped me searched around hotels in Jakarta. Great to have them. Biar ramai frens dari ramai enemies. I tak sukaaa..
I gave them this. Chocolate Chips Biscuit buatan Chef CiJu..
Aswin gave me this. Chocolate Monggo.. Sedap youu..
Before saying good bye. Masa ni pulak battery camera gone.. Huu..huuu..

Ok..at Monas, we just took a pictures from here. Dah tak larat nak jalan lagi dah. Packed with people here. Weekend lah katakan..No entrance fee needed here. So, we were here, at Monas, National Monument of Indonesia.
( TheNational Monument (Indonesian: Monumen Nasional (Monas)) is a 433 ft (132 metre) tower in the centre of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta, symbolizing the fight for Indonesia. Construction began in 1961 under the direction of President Sukarno and the monument was opened to the public in 1975. It is topped by a flame covered with gold foil. The monument and the museum is open daily from 08.00 - 15.00 Western Indonesia Time (UTC+7), everyday throughout the week, except for the last Monday of each month, when the monument is closed.)
Ada 2 scenes lagi supposed to be loaded here. Tapi i skipped kan. Wait for that ok.Tomorrow we had to pack and continue our journey to Bandung.. Shopping heaven was waiting us.. yeee haaa..
Volume 1, Book 3, Number 57 :
Narrated by 'Abdullah bin 'Amr
Once the Prophet remained behind us in a journey. He joined us while we were performing ablution for the prayer which was over-due. We were just passing wet hands over our feet (and not washing them properly) so the Prophet addressed us in a loud voice and said twice or thrice: "Save your heels from the fire."
salam kak yan..sue first time try masakan padang ni kat terengganu..banyak betul hidangan yg dihidangkan..tak jauh beza rasa masakannya dgn sini kan..
ReplyDeletemasakan Padang mmg menaikkan selera. sebab ada byk yg lemak2 tu.. esp urat.pergghh.. sama je taste dia.
Deleteseronoknya kak yan ke bandung..dgn family lagi ye. saya mmng trmimpi2 nk pergi sana. kena tggu budak besar sket
ReplyDeletekalau nak pegi elok bdk2 besar sikit lah. so kalau nak shopping tak rasa stress...heee..
Deletehebat you yan...buat kawan sampai luar negara..
ReplyDeletethat's why you dapat explore tempat yang menarik dari travel tour offer..
jus buah kat sana memang superb kan. pure juice..
ALHAMDULLILAH i have many oversea's frens. baik2. I joined this site, TRAVBUDDY.. mmg good site. Dapat more infos about other countries.
DeleteJus itu mmg amat seddap.
Patutlah beli beg baru,rupanya ke Jakarta pula.
ReplyDeletehee...itu pun masih tak muat..haruuu..
Deletenak nya lagi ke jakarta... mau makan2.... i want that pisang & keju..!!!! sangat yummeh...
ReplyDeletemmg superblah dessert depa ni..
DeleteKak Yan
ReplyDeleteBikin stress gue tengok gambar makanan itu
sabau ye Gina.
Deleteooo bestnyaaa kak yan!
ReplyDeletei wish i will be there again!
frist trip dulu tak berapa menghayati sbb g sorang2 conference ...
jommm... kak yan buat trip ke sana next year. Maybe Jan or Feb then May or June.
Deleteseronok kan .. nak2 makan ramai nasi padang nie ..
ReplyDeletememang rambang mata kan kak .. x tahu nak makan yg mana
semua dia letak ekeke ;)
tu lah..masa memula dulu, semua kami pulun.hee. now dah tau..
Deletekak yan,
ReplyDeleteOMG kak yan tayang my fav dish ever! Gulai tunjang... gegegegege... terus meleleh. so unfair rasa nak gi bandung aje makan lagi nasi padang. Saya suka gulai tunjang, gulai otak.. yang lemak tinggi tu le saya suka. Alahai bila la hubby nak balik Msia nihhhh... Sabor je la
hee..siannyaaa.. sabau ye dikk.. alaaaa boleh pegi dgn kengkawan je tu... dekat je..Just mintak izin.. hee.. (racunnn)
Deletemak ai, terror nya pelayan tu angkat makanan macam tu banyaknyer yer... super amazing tu.. gegegegegege...
ReplyDeleteaik, betul2 ker driving license tu....:)
itu lah keunikan Resto Nasi Padang ni..
DeleteNo lah licence memain je. hee..
kat sana agak nyer buah2 mesti murah kan?
ReplyDeletememang murah and fresh lagi..
Deleteteringin nak rasa masakan padang. dendeng tu cam sedap aje
ReplyDeleteu pegi je Sari Ratu kat Subang Parade tu.. sedapp..
Deleteseronoknyer... murah rezeki akak dpt bwk family ke sana...
ReplyDeletejakun tul dana tgk pelayan restoren tu blh bwk makanan banyak2 gitu, dana kalu tingin makanan padang, gi kt selero negeri je kak... akak dpt rasa kt sana terus... eheeheh
Deleteselero negeri tu tak banyak pilihan.. yang sebetulnya di Sari Ratu.
betul. biar ramai kawan dari musuh.
ReplyDeletelebih banyak faedahnya.. :D
DeleteKak Yan pasar baru sehari pun tak cukup jenjalan...FO lagilah...ishkkk...nak kumpul duit bebanyak sikit nak shopping sakan lagi sekali kat Bandung.
ReplyDeleteseminggu malah sebulan pun agaknya tak cukup time. hee
Deletetu kulit lembu eh? sedapnya..
ReplyDeletebukan kulit lembu tapi urat lembu.
Deleteuikhh kak Yan...mata saye fokus pd makanan aje..hehe
ReplyDeletesana pisang salai tu mmg femes..dan sedap bangat..i like :)
thx sudi singgah teratak saya yer.. :)
heee.. tgk food je yee..memang macam2 ada..
Deleteseronok nye dpt bercuti bersama family.. :D
Deletehebat la waiter tuh yer...terbaik...
ReplyDeleteitu lah keunikan depa kan..
DeleteNi terbang terbang cari makan ke..atau terbang terbang nyoping!!!
ReplyDeletedua - dua maaa..
Deleteterer kan dorang masa nak susun piring makanan ke meja tu...elok je tersusun cengitu, kalu sy mesti terbarai piring2 tu ke lantai
ReplyDeleteheee..ye lahh. akak pun kot..for sure lahh