Last Saturday, My Mommi, me and my sisters, plus BIL went out for shoppinggggg.. Heavennn.. plus rasa jakun i.. Heeee.. Dah over a decade dah Sunway Pyramid tu, last Saturday was my first time ke sana. Very funny rite.. Why ye.. Coz many things crossed in my mind for all this while. for me tooo many Chinese (i m not racist, tapi i pening sikit..), another things is too big for me lahh..penuh dengan patung - patung tu lahh. heeee..satu lagi i ingat this area sure jammed bebeno..Bila dah ke sana, i noticed this's gonna be my shopping place for future sebab, bit close to my house if i use the nearby highway (sebenarnya lupa apa nama highway ni..hee), then i can explore and enjoy the shopping time. Many things or brands are offered here. New place for me.. Belum rasa jemu lahh..
i will come again soon. heeee..
the decoration for Eid. Hari ni masuk BH kalau tak silap pasal this shopping mall..
ada pulak ice skating kat sini.. Who knows teringin bawak "Anak - anak Sidek" ke sini ke..
Suka pulak berada di sini plus dengan music ala - ala dessert gitu..
First attempt, CLARKS. I memang nak cari kasut. Well, sooo many designs and patterns here. Memang kalah lah dengan yang ada di Plaza Masalam and any other places.
Two patterns yang i suka.. Blue one, but bit sakit bila i pakai.. The second one, purple.. Bit daring lah the color. Tapi kan because of i feel comfortable, i took the purple.. Everyone said, ok lah with me. Coz i m wearing black. So, not a big problem. Then PURPLE i sambar.
then ke Al-Ikhsan.. bukan nak beli sportwear tau.. tapiii...
'' kaki si kecil ni melecet pakai new sandal yang CiTi berikan pada dia..
so, Ummi dia kena beli kan lahhh.
happy face with new shoes..
Selesai di sini, we explored the place. My hajat nak beli handbag. Actually dah lama sangat i tak beli handbag. Since i was diagnosed with m y C y s t. Suggested better i use back pack, After sometimes i get used to it. No handbag. Just pakai bila ada official event or wedding. Kalau boleh i pakai je back pack tu.. heee..tapi Chef CiJu bising...

My Mulberry base water ni too heavy for me right now. Actually i cant carry even 1 litre bottle of drink pun coz of the cyst. That's why i dah tak pakai this hand bag. Dah makin antique now. hee..

My Bally sling bag pun i dah tak pakai while travelling. I prefer back pack still. Now Che CiJu yang pakai. ...So i rasa better lah i cari handbag.. Ingat tak masa i s h o p p i n g d e n g a n C h e f C i J u kan i cakap nak sambar handbag. So kami singgah di sini...
beramai - ramai lah kami di sini. bising betul kalau kami ni menyopping. Beli nya bukan banyak, tapiii...kecohhh.
i m not a big fan of Coach. But this time i suka the designs. Simple.
i just like the design. simple. not so COACH.. cuma the brand ada di bag tu. Kalau boleh i nak kikis. heeeee...That's why i tak suka yang ada too much COACH signature tu.Memang tak minat. ..Ye lahh.. masing - masing punya citarasa..
tengah offer tau.. i bought the new arrival. mine ada yang besar lagi. dalam RM2065 kalau tak silap. Tapi i bought smaller one..beza dalam RM400 gitu.. takut kalau beli lagi besar, lagi macam2 dalam tu i letak.. Macam supermarket bergerak pulak. heee...
thanks to Agus, the salesperson in charged. nice layanan nya plus kebisingan kami kat situ.....heee...macam kedai tok sedara kami je kami buat. Dah habis kat sini, kami menuju ke Parkson Grand. Nak shopping for the little girl. I dah promised nak beli kan dress for her. nak baju princess katanya.. Layan je lahh..
masuk - masuk je ke kids department. terus dia sambar dress cotton biru tu..Nak yang ini katanya.. put on first baby...memang so cute..
bila datang Mummy/Chef CiJu suruh cuba lain pulak.. pun cantik gakk...
then yang ini.. maka at last, yang ini yang diambik..
dan dapat satu lagi yang ini.. heyyyy!!! banyak betul dah baju raya dia. i bought 2 pieces before.. white and pink. Now ada lagi.. amboiiii.. tak pe lah..bermanja dengan niece sendiri..
then kami berehat di sini..cantik this area..
tengok - tengok little Ticha dah tak tahan.. too sleepy.. then lepas ni the rest went to Jusco. Yang i just waited at the bench.. tersengguk - sengguk mengantuk sebab tak bawak lappy. If not sure mata segar bugar.. heee.. then kami terus balikk...Esokkknya.... shoppingggg lagi.. dekat je..SACC....
againnnn.. for this girl.. Baju kurung.. so cute..from Dang Anum.
i have another niece, Kak Yayang. (Yang Aisya Azmi), my brother's daughter.
sangkut beli brooch pulak depa ni.. i tak larat dahh..
naik ke tingkat yang same level with KK Decor. ada new shop, under Hajaba.. so pinky lahh..
kami tak membeli. tapi menyibuk di sini. heee...
langsung ke sini. KK Decor. Tapi tak ada yang disambar oleh sesiapa..
memang penuh manusia di sini.. Ada good program kalau weekend. ada Rabbani and guest Imam Muda. Valet parking pun full sentiasa. Now Shah Alam bit jammed during weekends and petang.. Ramaii orang..
sebelum balik, CiRah singgah balik ke Qamilla. Ada yang diberkenan.. Tapi we all kata kita ke Anggerik Mall. Kat sana lebih relaz. Not so many people..
then kami ke Qamilla di Anggerik Mall.
Lepas tu intai - intai ruang lobby. Banyak yang menjual jubah dan baju raya.. My cousin, CiLi sambar satu di kedai my 'ex customer' (kenapa ex customer..hanya me, dia, and ALLAH yang tau..). Kat sini banyak gak yang boleh dicari, cuma i tak berapa nak suka the environment. Ada karaoke.. Bising for me dan kurang menghormati bulan puasa. Maybe i too conservative lah.. For me better diperdengarkan nasyid - nasyid. lagi bagus. and some more, pakcik - pakcik separuh umur pulak tu yang sakan menyanyi.. ( sorry..that's my point of view only). Semuanya macam dah terlepek masa kat sini.. .. Tapiii.. kitarang tak terus balik youuu.. singgah Plaza Alam Sentral pulak. the rest sambung shopping, i went to my shop and took a nap.. hee.. LETIHHHH..anyway.. hari ini i tak ke mana - mana.. kaki sengal.. heee. berehattt...
sorry pinjam anak orang kejap masa tunggu depa di KK Decor. . verangan ada baby.. No lahh.. just rasa syok pulak nak hold this sweet little angel. Bau syuga..Tapi i dont think i could have a baby anymore.. Tua dahhh.. Pencen dah......Tunggu MENANTU PEREMPUAN je lah nanti.
Volume 3, Book 31, Number 117 : |
Narrated by 'Aisha |
(The tribe of) Quraish used to fast on the day of Ashura' in the Pre-lslamic period, and then Allah's Apostle ordered (Muslims) to fast on it till the fasting in the month of Ramadan was prescribed; whereupon the Prophet said, "He who wants to fast (on 'Ashura') may fast, and he who does not want to fast may not fast." |