Just wanna kept all the photos as a memory..This was the raya celebration in 2008. As i promised, this blog gonna be my family album. I dont want to waste all the photos taken by digital camera without being kept in any album. So, i will upload any photos in any occassion happened in our family.
We came up with the pink theme for the dress, but men only for the samping..Tengok lah warna pink kami agak terang..
Menyembang lepas kepenatan seharian di hari raya
My puppy, My Mommy, Tokngah, Tokteh, and NekCik
Usually, our table akan penuh dgn many kinda food
Tokteh's family
NekCik's family
TokNgah's family
Paman Mie's family
My puppy, My mommy with 4 of their children (Chef Ciju, Paman Mie, Me, CiTi, without CiRah)
Our family photo without hubby.He did his massage.
Helper yang memang really membantu, Iswatun Khasannah..Just one month worked for me, while my maid went back to Indonesia. She's great.
With NekCik Mai
Anak Dara 4
Nek Cik tengah distributing kain pelekat