
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Gather - gather and makan - makan

Permintaan dari teman - teman sekolah lepas aje Majlis Reunion baru - baru ini untuk datang bertandang ke rumah kami pada mula nya hendak dibuat waktu hari raya lepas. Tetapi bila difikir - fikirkan kalau nak ajak makan - makan tak payah tunggu hari raya kan. So, after some discussion dengan Hubby, we agreed to do it last Saturday.

We made two sessions. TB's fren and another one for TI's frens. Actually i also invited 2 bloggers, Leez and Qis with hubby (i sampaikan thru Leez). Tapi Leez awal - awal lagi tak janji samada boleh mai atau tidak. Coz on that day she just arrived from Australia. Next time maybe....
My big table for the afternoon session.
Kebetulan lah pulak my TravBuddy fren from Jakarta, Yanti Seoparno , transit di KL sebelum fly to New Delhi for holiday. So, i invited her and she agreed to drop by. Another TB's fren, Razak Hussin yang baru - baru ni telah ke Japan and he bought a fridge magnet for me dan bertanya how to pass the thing. (Thanks for the lovely pouch, and 2 fridge magnets). So, sudah rezeki dia berjumpa Yanti, i also invited him and his family to have lunch at my place.
Mengabadikan kenangan bersama Razak and his family yang baru first time came to my place . Thanks to Yanti sanggup bersusah payah from Sentul took a public transportation came to my place. Nice to have them as my frens.
With TB's frens we had our lunch together. Razak brought his family too and nice to meet his 2 kids, Izat and Izzati who loves Nachos. I also happy that all of them love the food. Eh!! are sure Azian???Hee.. rasa - rasanya lah..
Ready to be served.
This was the second time Yanti tasted Laksa Johor, while Razak memang minat Laksa Johor.
Selesai makan, posing lagi.
What did i serve for them??? Macam biasa, atas permintaan some frens, of course Laksa Johor, Grill Lamb, Roast Chicken, Kenny Rogers Rice (by Chef KoYa), Salad, and some dessert like Caramel Pudding, Cuppies and Trifle.
Laksa Johor
KR Rice
Roast Chicken
Grill Lamb with hickory honey sauce
Nachos...Hot from the oven. Seem that everyone likes this.
Caramel Pudding
7 UP with blackcurrent syrup
We really had a great time. Sorry to Razak and Runiza because we could only spend little time together talking and eating because i had to send Yanti to the airport. But i really appreciated atas kunjungan. INSYALLAH ada rezeki kita jumpa lagi. After sending Yanti, i straight drove back. Get ready for the nite meet up. For the nite, i add up 1 menu, Oregano Rice.
Oregano Rice
The gathering started at 20.00pm but the first guest arrived at 20.35pm. Walaupun pada mulanya we invited agak ramai, tapi yang datang hanya 11 orang plus some of their families. But we really had a good and great time together. Seronok sembang.
Kaha (P1) came with his family, Shamsool (P2) with his big family, Elany, Lyn's daughter.
Edlyn, Ema, and Azah (P2)
Hafiz, Zaiton, and Fia, their daughter. TQ datang dari jauh..It is really appreciated.
Shake with TokPuCu and CikMat. Shake nilah tukang match kitarang dulu. Thanks for coming.
West and family. His wife, Emy kalau tak silap, peramah..
Norhana, her daughter, and Rick.
Seronok..mengimbau masa lalu..
After meal, they had coffee and tea. Sambil buang asap..
Family wajib yang datang. Before going back, depa sambung borak di living hall.
Almost mid nite, i tutup warung. ALHAMDULLILAH ramai yang membantu untuk menjayakan majlis. Thanks to Chef KoYa. Juga buat Amirul yang ringan tulang dan tak berhenti membasuh pinggan mangkuk di sink. Thanks for coming guys. INSYALLAH ada rezeki dan umur panjang kita bertemu lagi. Pada geng yang first time sampai, suka sangat to have you guys. Thanks for the efforts to come to my place.


  1. salam kak yan...sgt suka tgk meja makan u tu... haih!!! berangan gak kalo satu hari saya duduk berposing di meja tu.. hehe

  2. Salam Cyana,

    INSYALLAH Cyana, ada rezeki pasti one day Cyana boleh datang. Teringin nak buat makan for kengkawan bloggers. Mudah2an kan...

  3. bestnya kak yan ...
    orang kata mmg murahhh rezeki ramai tamu dtg ke rumah kan...
    terasa happy sgt bila dpt melayan tamu yg sudi singgah kan..

  4. ALHAMDULLILAH..mudah2an depa semua suka dgn food yang disediakan.. Penat badan pun tak kesah kalau tamu happy..Kita pun jadi happy.

  5. Kak Yannnn....meriahnya makanan. Ruginya tak dapat datang hari tu. Nak wat camana....i terlalu penat dan mengantuk tak larat nak keluar dah. Anyway kak...thanks for the invitation.
    Nanti ada panjang umur...kita jumpa yea kak.

  6. Kak Yan dearie,
    We really enjoyed the food!!! We LOVE the food!! :) Sangat2 sedap!!! Thank you soooo much for inviting us over! :)
    And thanks for sharing this blog ya :)

    Hmm... okay okay... ni I share my blog with you pulak.. hehee...
    Please... do drop by! :)

  7. Salam Leez,

    tak pe.. nanti kita buat lain ye.. So, dah ilang penat tu.. Tunggu N3 terbaru Leez ni.

  8. Salam Niza,

    really?? ALHAMDULLILAH.. INSYALLAH ada rezeki kita jumpa lagi. Now i hv yr hubby as my TB's fren, n u as blogger's fren.. Best kan.

  9. Kagum dgn kak yan...pandai masak utk ramai tetamu :-)

  10. Salam Eynda,

    bukan masak sorang2 lah Eynda. Lagipun tak terbiasa dgn keadaan mak abah dulu. Rumah mmg sentiasa ramai org. Dan kalau tamu mai, sure akan makan..
