
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sakit - sakit gak, makan tetap makan..

Last Thursday my feet turned bad again. Bit numb. Couldnt stand properly. Then hubby persuaded me to see the doctor. But i told him that one of my friend suggested one singseh in Sungai Buloh. I made a call to the singseh. He explained where was the place about. Then almost 12.30pm we started our journey. After searching quite sometimes, we reached at this place.

This is the place from the backyard.
Tempatnya agak tersorok. Chinese neighborhood. Told the singseh about my history. Then he ask me to lie down on the stretcher. I terpaksalah menayangkan kedua - dua belah betis tua i tu. Nak buat cam ne ek??? I have to. The the Tabib put some needles on my feet. Tak sakit. Cuma once the tabib try to make the needle touch the vein, my feet akan ada reflection.
Three needles at the part, bawah knee.
Atas tumit
Right leg, another 3 needles. Tengok bebetul needle yang kat knee to hampir semuanya ditusuk ke my knee.
Hee..sempat lagi bergaya tu..Tak sakit punnn..Be positive.
The treatment just took about half an hour. Then the singseh gave some explanation about my condition and also the medicine. I kena makan herb dia plus some tablets. Tablets tu, ok lah gak.. Yang tak tahan tu, ubat air tuuu.. BUT..for good, i have to. Lagipun i have to recover from this problem before it getting worst and worst..Lagipun travel itinerary bersusun tu for next year..heee.. INSYALLAH.
Sempoi je clinic singseh ni.
Eeee... pengsanlah aku kena makan ubat apek ni..
"Lu kena habiskan makan ini ubat. Selamat menikmati", kata tabib tu.. Ada ke patut menikmati.. 

Tapi memula tu i thought dia cakap selamat mati.. terkejut badak..heee..
From the backyard. Tapi still boleh access.
After paying the bill which cost me RM150, hubby ajak lunch before he went to the office. Since the singseh's place just in Sungai Buloh and close to his office, hubby brought us to one chicken rice stall. The place nampak cosy. Bawah pohon - pohon besar, tepi sungai buatan aka longkang. di Sri Damansara. Tempat dia, dekat dengan Sekolah Menengah Sri Damansara 2. The road nak menuju ke sini adalah Persiaran Meranti. Lepas McDonald. The towkey gave me the business card. Unfortunately, no exact address stated on the card. But you could find the shop at many places, - Kota Damansara, Sri Damansara (the place which i had my lunch), and Damansara Damai. Contact nymber, Mat Sup - 019 200 2741.
Tempat makan ni bersih.Ramai yang datang makan. Kata Hubby kalau lunch time, sure pack
Bersih bahagian dapurnya.
Nama stall ni, Chicken Rice Mat Sup Corner. Tapi bukan yang ada dalam gambar ni owner dia tau...Kat sini ada memacam sup. Besides Chicken Rice, it has Tomyam, Masakan Utara and Soup..
Nilah Chicken Rice nya. Sambal dia sedap. Tokey tu siap bagi extra kat kitarang.

Tak cukup sorang satu ayam dia, kami tambah lagi dua pinggan ayam.. hee..memang buruk kalau bab makan.
Perut dah lapar. Treatment pun dah buat. Kita isi perut dulu lah ye.. Nasi ayam dia memang sedap. I think it was better than My Mom Chicken Rice Shop which belong to "tuutttt" one celebrity tu lah kan.. Lemak and sticky. Sedap memang sedap, tapi tak leh makan bebanyak. Itu my opinion jelah.. But this chicken rice for me was really good. Almost half an hour we were here. After sending Hubby to the office, we straight went back. ALHAMDULLILAH..


  1. Salam Yan..

    kakcik tengok nasi tu macam siiikiiiitttt je! kakcik dah try MMCR.. taklah sedap mana. :)

  2. eee..takutnye tengok jarum tu..x sakit ke kak yan..huhu~

  3. Kak Yan
    X sakit ker kena cucuq jarum tue..ngeri aaa..makan tetap makan yea kak sakit belakang kira jugakkkk...heheheh..

  4. Salam Kakcik,

    rasanya normal portion tu. Tapi saya suka ayam dia. So, amik extra kat ayam tu..

  5. Salam Nani,

    tak sakit. tapi macam ada current sikit kalau terkena vein tak teruk lah

  6. Salam CikSue,

    kalau perut lapar pun boleh bawak penyakit gak.. betul tak???

  7. siannya akak.....semoga sakit tu cepat sembuh.

    walaupun sakit...makan tu sudah semestinyakan..hehehe.

  8. Salam Leez,


    betol3..makan tetap makan. kalau tak tambah sakit nnt..hee

  9. ooo k yan sakit2 lutut ek...
    boleh la bawak abah sy berubat ni ...
    dah alang2 kat sg buloh...
    betul la kelakar ayat apek tu...
    "selamat menikmati" .. ;p
    semoga cepat sembuh ye kak...

  10. Salam Suzi,

    akak ni dulu bit active dgn sport, lasak. then stop. langsung tak exercise. so cramp lutut2 ni.. ada sikit numb. sakit back, itu penyebab2 nya. Now cuba je acupuntur.. Tp tak tahan makan ubat herba dia lah... tak sanggup...

    boleh lah suzi bwk abah suzi. ada phone number kat situ.. try lah..
