
Thursday, December 27, 2012

ke Johor Premium Outlets lagi...

YA ALLAH.. lamanya tak update.. Al maklum so busy lately.. ye lah kannn.. business i ni setahun sekali.. so sibuknya kira setahun sekali gak lah kann. anyway plus gak holiday.. actually not really holiday.. kira macam agenda melawat family lah.. i just went back to Johor Bahru.. My fourth sis just gave birth.. Kira melawat new family member. so i pun met my parents there too.. since my sis's house in JB, welllll... shopping place ada kat sana.. apa lagiii.. JPO lah. Johor Premium Outlets. 
Last time i went to JPO was in hari raya this year.. at this time my sis was still pregnant. THE STORY HERE. so unexpected another visit ke sini.. heee.. saje je kan.. ye lah.. sementelah dah ada kat JB tu, then ada year end sale lak tu.. pe lagi..... ke sini lah i and Chef Ciju.. My Mommi, My Daddi, TokNgah, Abg Ayip, and Abang 'Imran ke sini.. 

First attack, we went to Padini. SUBHANALLAH manusia.. queue panjang kat counter.. for Abang 'Imran i capai 2 jeans which were so cheap.. half of the actual prices. just RM54.90 per pairs. if not mistaken about 70% lah discountnya.. selai t shirt and one long sleeves shirt. Abang Irfan even tak ikut i bought for him too.. jeans and 2 t shirts..
after mission accomplished, we proceeded to the next..i nak pegi beli kasut.. 
My Mommi relaxed kejap.. heee..baru je mula tu.. we didnt enter any shops yang tak plan sebab nak jimat masa.. 
 we directly went to CLARKS. menuju ke sini, SUBHANALLAH.. manusiaaaa..ramai sangat. it was so different masa i went here last raya. ye lahh nak rasa kann.. 
every shops ada sale u..
 we arrived here.. shoes on racks banyak yang tak nampak.. heee..haru tul manusia bershopping.. kedai macam kena langgar garuda..
Chef CiJu pun mencari kasut.. me too.. last time macam regret je.. coz i just bought one pair. memang most of the shoes off sale items. but for me what i m looking adalah yang comfy to me.. then i dont care about off season ke, on season ke..yang penting selesa dipakai..tambah - tambah lagi cheaper compare to ada kat Clarks Boutique.. discount dalam 30%, 27%.. so kalau yang RM300 plus tu dapat lah dalam RM200 plus. ok lah kannn..
 eemmm..this time i would nt loose the chance.. i took 3 pairs. plus Chef CiJu took 2 pairs. 
 then terus cari My Mommi stuff. Hari ni her birthday.. i just bought her handbag. advance gift. heee...
 puas belek - belek, dapat lah.. kat sini lagi haru..atas racks.. licing.. heee...seronok kan niaga cam ni.. sampai licing atas racks.. 
 sibuk lah 2 bercucu ni.. masa ni dah maghrib.. the rest ke Musollah...since i kan musafir..heee..skip lah kannn.. i jenjalan sorang - sorang..
 tup - tup termasuk ke sini.. upsss!!!!!...
ehhhh....TERRRR beliiii... heee..pandai the saleperson tu.. Khairul  yang baju putih tu.. i took one wallet and handbag.. gulp!!!..tercekik lah pulak ye..kat  sini tak leh accepted my bank card.. my credit card over limit.. heeee.. tup - tup ada banker nak pinjam kan sen dulu.. huuuhhh.. saje je kannn.. kalau tak sure i lepaskan.. nampak tak my wallet tu.. so my handbag pun same color..
 thanks to TokNgah..
after solat, Chef CiJu masuk and actually she's not agree with my choice. but i said i love it...  i bribed her.. last she ok je.. and she also berkenan kat one sling bag ni.since December 13, hari tu, a day before  Abang Irfan's birthday  bought it for her. kira birthday present lah kann..
 ni hahh. actual price dalam RM800. ada 30% less. for all the items, my first item, handbag ada 30% then second items, my wallet, besides 30%, plus another 10%, and for the third items,  sling bag for Chef CiJu, 30% and  plus another 10%..after all, we save about RM1002..kira macam save almost 50%..Just like to share with u guys, nak masuk COACH pun ke queue up..BURBERRY pun.. haruuu...

Okk..ok...cukuppp.. kering pocket...and tekak kami pun kering. kat Food Court.. food almost dah habis. So we went to The Coffee Bean.
 cuaca cold here sebab hujan. so baik pekena coffee panas lah kann..
 setia menunggu..
 ni yang My Daddi punya..
akhirnya dapat dahhh..
 happy je kannn..
 ini Abang 'Imran all the cheezy stuffs. 
 mine, just salad. i love The Coffee Bean salad.
 food kat sini for me i love it.. 
 meanwhile waiting the car to be picked up, sempat gambo lagi tuuu.. see the tangansss..pull of paper bagsss..heyyy..My Daddi pun shopping tau... siap capai kasut sepasang lagu.
heee...full bonet.. haruuuu..

nilah hasil tangkapan..
saje je nak letak suasana malam kat sini. last time we went here masih siang lagi.. yang ni almost at 9.45PM we went back..ALHAMDULLILAH..tercapai hajat.. yang tak berhajat pun terlaksana.. next time nak shopping i can make the plan nak visit my sister lahh.. hee..but for sure next year lahh.. eeemmm... for majlis akikah nanti kot.. heyyy..need fund.. about JPO

Johor Premium Outlets
Jalan Premium Outlets
81000 Kulaijaya Johor Darul Takzim
Tel:  +607 661 8888
Fax: +607 661 8810

GPS 1°36'11"N , 103°37'17"E
Volume 3, Book 47, Number 746 :
Narrated by Anas
We chased a rabbit at Mar-al-Zahran and the people ran after it but were exhausted. I overpowered and caught it, and gave it to Abu Talha who slaughtered it and sent its hip or two thighs to Allah's Apostle. (The narrator confirms that he sent two thighs). The Prophet accepted that. (The sub-narrator asked Anas, "Did the Prophet; eat from it?" Anas replied, "He ate from it.")


  1. Setiap kali membaca kisah perjalanan dan keseronokan membelibelah keluarga Yan, kakcik ikut teruja sama. :)

  2. Meriahnya shopping kak.. Dari siang sampai ke malam.

    1. hee...tak lahh.. akak pegi sana tu dah petang.. kalau dari pagi, gila akak youu..heee

  3. Kak Yan, wallet kita sama la.. Nur pun beli di sana.. Ramainya orang..

    1. oo ye keee...saje je nak tukar..sebab dah lama sangat pakai, almost 7 years..

  4. Ni la namanya shopping haven.. Till you drop! ^_^ Bliss....

    1. hee...ALHAMDULLILAH bukan tiap bulan..kalau takkk...haru kann..

  5. Shopping lagi.......hehehe....pd k.ani shopping ni boleh hilangkan stress!

  6. Hai kak. Salam kenal. Wahh ni betul shopping sakan ni. Sy tak penah sampai JPO lg. mcm takut je nak pg. takut tak tahan mata huhu

    1. hi cha..

      thanks sudi singgah...wellll..mmg tu lah yang susahnya.. takut segala..hee

  7. kita yg dh dekat nie x pergi2 lagi..h ehhee nak pergi jgk la..:)

    1. keeee...akak dah pegi 2 kali dahh.. pegi..pegiii..

  8. wah, saya ni nama je org johor tapi kan x pernah sampai pun JPO ni...cantik2 kasut yg akak pilih tu

    1. selalunya cam tu lahh..sama je..

      pattern kasut akak tu kurang lebih sama je...hee

  9. Kalau Yan perasan di parking lot almost vehicles belongs to S'porean. Year End Sales (YES) yg buat mereka berbondong-bondong ke sini. Bukan org KL aje tau.

    1. prasan kak...masa balik dr jb pin kat jalan penuh dgn depa...

      mmg kat jpo pun nemenuh kan tpt lain nak beraya, kita pun sibuk..

  10. sakan shopping family
    mana gmbr new member tu..

  11. Sukeeee tengok kak Yan sopping...hehehe...sakan!!!

  12. Amboi... bukan main ceria bershopping..
    Sepanjang jalan balik KL mesti senyum meleret kan.....

  13. amboii kak ..
    juling2 mata saya tgk pic akak berbelanja ! ekke
    alhamdulillah .. rejeki kan kak

    syukur juga , bila lagi mak nak tumpang suke dan senang dgn anak2 kan ..
    kalau saya punn ada duit , nak je beli utk kepuasan mak dan ayah .. ';)

    1. alhamdullilahh..cuba make them happy...iyalah..depa dah susah for us..ada lebih, share le gamaknya..

  14. sllu gak g jpo....bru ni pegi rmi giler orang..especially singaporean....nk smbut krismas la tu..huhu

  15. Meriah abessss...huhu...
    Seronok tgk aktiviti yan dan famili ni..

  16. Kalau dapat shopping gini hilang stress Kak Yan, terapi yang bagus.

  17. meriahnya kak yan shopping......
    kat JPO lagi..... remy bila nak sampai tak tahu lah.........he3

  18. ramainya orang kak yan...plan nak bawak family jugak pergi sana, tapi ramai-ramai sangat, takut tak best pulak jadik...

    1. memang ramai sangat.. sampaikan brg pun habis. tapi kalau tak ada org, sure dah tak ada sale kann..

  19. Ishh now dah tahu la kan ujung tahun serang johor lah ...sales gila gila kannn
    Kena start simpan duit ni..ujung tahun dpn blh p johor...:-P

    1. betul tu.. better pegi masa ujung tahun. baru sale gila2.. seronok lahh..

  20. Assalamualaikum kak Azian, first time komen, saya dah khatam baca journal akak ni. best sangat. cuma hari ni nak ckp pashmina akak(most of them) n chef ciju(yg kaler soft purple, taksure lak) tu cantik sangat! n gambar header with the abaya or kaftan sangat elegant! Keep on writing kak. best sangat!

    1. Waalaikumusalam Afirah..

      tq for sudi membaca my blog yg tak seberapa ni hahh..

      pashmina yang i pakai sume beli kat Kashmir. yg Chef CiJu tu kalau tak silap dia beli di Wangsa Walk.

      INSYALLAH i will keep writing coz i love writing.. just like to share..

  21. Bestnye shopping akk....ada org cdg rietta shopping all the imported product kat singapore...kata dorg, tax kat sna lebih murah...teringin nk cr LV stu.....

    1. U r right dear.. Esp when u go there during boxing day.. parfume pun macam separuh rege gitu.. i m planning to go in future.. heeee...

  22. Salam singgah......membalas kunjungan (^_^)
    Shopping memang yang terBEST....hehe
