
Thursday, September 13, 2012

What We Should Learn From Neil Armstrong

1. Find ways to achieve your dream -

we might not succeed for the first time in whatever that  might be, and hence we need to keep trying until we do.

2. Dont let your detractors bog you down -

there will be times in our life  we will be criticized because we are doing things differently. continue doing what you are doing if in your heart, it feels right.

3. Prepare and practice -

no matter what it is you want to do in life, your goal should be to become the best in your field. dont be afraid of failure. learn from them. they are sign for you to do a little bit better.

4. Humbleness -

the biggest trait of them  all is being  humble. always remain grounded even how successful you are.

5. You can achieve anything -

there will be times where you might think this is impossible. but always remember, believe in yourself. you will achieve whatever  you  set your mind to.

6. Tenacious - 

no matter what the problem, we have the ability to overcome. dont look at the problem as a whole. break it into  smaller. when you figure out the little things, the bigger things will solve themselves.

7. Adapt -

we have to take the challenges head on, adapt to this new challenges and sort them out.

Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama.. MASYALLAHH...  all the words make me stronger. hope same to you guys...



  1. tqs for sharing kak yan..!!! ada rasa semangat di situ..

    1. Betul mulan..esp when u feel that u r hopeless, helpless..depression..those.words make u think and think...

      Smile always.from me..

  2. thanks kak atas pesanan dari Neil amstrong tu.....
    kena lebih gigih ler lepas nie.....

  3. yeah, life sometimes is not always what we are expecting but we must still go on with it as ot is our life and not others...#PoeticMeAlone.

    1. for sure.. future is unseen. what u have to do is strive for success.. never give up..

  4. semua ada betulnya.... cume kite manusia ni terlalu cpt pts asa, lps tu bile dh berjaya terkenal skit terlalu cpt lupa diri... thanks kak...

    1. sebab tu kita sentiasa beringat dan sentiasa merendah diri.. bukan nak jadi ustazah..tapi if our life is base on our deen, INSYALLAHHH..berkah..

  5. Setiap orang pasti ada jasanya yang tersendiri.. Semoga menjadi inspirasi.
    Masa sekolah dulu, soklan orang pertama yg jejak kaki ke bulan selalu menjadi soalan popular.

    1. betul lah.. soalan favorite. siap buat karangan lagi..

  6. Thanks sharing kak..

    Akak, leh tak ajar camne nk wat reply to comment mcm kt blog akk ni? :-) thanks

    1. ieedaz,

      no prob..sharing is caring..

      alaaa...akak tak hengat lahh.. tak pen.. nnt akak cuba search ye.. tunggu kejap je nanti..

  7. Yan, thank you for sharing. nama neil armstrong tu sendiri pun ada perkataan 'strong' di dalam nya... heheheh...

  8. Gimau mati ninggalkan belang,Niel Armstrong mati meninggalkan "nama" ...

    1. tapi kalau kita mati pakai baju belang rimau?? heee.. sorry gurau2..

      betul lah tuuu...
