
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Jumpa Hantu di Sunway Pyramid

Serious...kami jumpa hantu di Sunway Pyramid last Wednesday.. Mengerikan lah..Chef CiJu sampai macam nak pengsan.. But i was ok je..Relax.. Tapi hantu ni dibaca ayatul qursi pun tak akan terbakar punya.. then sempat lak kami tangkap gambar hantu - hantu ni.. Ada 3 ekor semuanya.. (ekor ke??)Jom tengok hantu - hantu yang i maksudkan...first 
 ni hah.. ini sure mati sebba gaduh nii.. sebab berdarah habis baju dia..or kena bunuh.
 siap boleh jeling - jeling kat orang lagi..kalau u all kena tegur cam ne, agak - agak melompat tak?
yang ni sure mati accident lepas balik shopping kat Guess Boutique. hee.. see the paper bags tu..Yang jantan tu bagi i agak mengerikan especially bijik mata dia.. heee..Ni sure jatuh bangunan masa cuci balcony.. nampak mop dia pegang tu.. diheretnya sambil jalan pelan - pelan.. heee..lawak
ehhh!!! pandai posing lakk..seronok tourists arab ni berposing.  actually kitarang jumpa hantu - hantu ni kat Sunway Pyramid. berleliaran 3 ekor dalam shopping mall ni.. art apa tah depa ni. i tak berapa pasti..lepas tu rasa lapar lakk.. jom ke 
sini.. dalam minggu ni saja we ate at Delicious twice.. ne weighing scale tak melompat..
 i took Cappucino
 sarsi float kot..
same dish like CiLi took last time..
Lepas makan ronda sikit area ini.. langsung i teringat nak beli lipstick.. yang lama like so pale macam tak pakai.. I went to Dior counter. Calit punya calit,
kulit Miss Carol ni bak baby. so soft.. umur dah 55 years old.. fasih berbahasa melayu dan pandai mengeja jawi.. 
this promoter menerangkan about the lipstick sambil 'meracun' i dengan product dia.. I used to use this product somewhere in 1991. and used this for almost 3 years. but somehow changed to Lancome.. Coz of boycott America product terus tukar to Chanel. And after so persuasive words, i terjerumus.. Anyway i just bought one products. Muka dah berkedut u.. so nak kena repair sikit..
I bought the One Essential Skin Boosting Super Serum. It costs me around RM470 with complimentary products. Kalau dia saja around RM430..So, saja lah mencubanya.. Nanti kalau ok, i share with mak - mak dara ye.. Bagi mak dara yang berumur 40an.. ok lah kannn..tunggu yeee..
Volume 9, Book 88, Number 172 :
Narrated by Asma'
The Prophet said, "I will be at my Lake-Fount (Kauthar) waiting for whoever will come to me. Then some people will be taken away from me whereupon I will say, 'My followers!' It will be said, 'You do not know they turned Apostates as renegades (deserted their religion).'" (Ibn Abi Mulaika said, "Allah, we seek refuge with You from turning on our heels from the (Islamic) religion and from being put to trial").


  1. AIyooo menakutkan betul la ad attraction mcm ni plak..

  2. Tak sabar nak tau result utk product tu... ;p

    1. INSYALLAH ye... tp dalam dua tiga hari i ada nampak sedikit perrubahan..

  3. hehehe kalu trjmpa time mlm2 msti seram gk kan hehehe... dhla dana pesen penakut heheheh... wah2 baru di racun ngn itu nyonya udah tergoda ek heheeh

    1. itu lah pasai.. seb baek gak jumpa waktu ramai2.. kalau takkk.. mau terbang.

      hee...mmg mak nyonya itu pandai lorr

  4. Cek Ya lagi takut jumpa promoter yg meracun dari jumpa hantu hehehe...

  5. Kat SunwayP memang macam2 mob.. tengah2 dunia menari2 hiphop, main gitar nyanyi2.. macam kat CM dulu...last Wed makchaq pun kat SP, Wed-Sat. tengok ice hockey..

    1. nak tarik public utk mai shopping mall depa lah tu kan.. bagus gak idea cam ni..

  6. huhuhu.. kalu anak terunaku tgk mau xnak dtg sini dah.. psl nampak hantu secara live.. heheheehe

    1. lah.. bebudak sure takut..mau nanti tak nak langsung ke situ..

  7. ade promote ape kat situ sampai berhantu-hantu tu? :)

  8. salam kak yan , kalau me yang jumpa mmg cabuttttttttttttttttttt...takut la, hahaha

  9. hantu-hantu sekalian tue seem so real...
    Seronok berfoto ngan diorang...

    1. mmg macam real lah.. mean macam kat tv tu. akak tka pernah jumpa hantu real..hee...

  10. hantu zaman moden...siap bawak hp lagi....kehkehkeh....

  11. eh scary, kenapa hantu2 tue ada kat c2, atau memg diorg punya fesyen g2

  12. kalau anak saya yg jumpa ni for sure larik tak cukup tanah, jenoh saya kena kejar anak le pulakkkk

  13. Waaa...dari dari hantu, lps mkn jumpa plak hantu kosmetik? Huhuhu... ;)

  14. antu camni konfem tak takut gak. ajak bergambar lagi ada. hihihi

    1. iya lah.. ramai yg bergambar..akak je rasa tak serronok lah gambar dgn hantu..hee

  15. WOW the 'ghost' all look super real! thumbs up to the makeup artists. so Halloween-esque gitu. wish I were there too, boleh take pics with em too heeeee

    1. yeah..nampak macam real.. tapi pernah jumpa hantu ke?? heee..

  16. tu bukan hantu...zombie tu...hehe.. tuk tayangan resident evil yang baru tu...pelakon cina tu pun dtg masa tu gak..

  17. hehehe..baru nak terkejut...rupa2nya manusia..

  18. kakyan rasa nyer kalender cina bulan nie bulan hantu laparkan...

  19. mau angkat kaki & lari kalo jumpa zombies ni...!!!!

  20. nie hantu sunway lagoon terlepas nie.......
    mesti ngulat time bekerja nie.......

    1. tu lahh..cleaner curi tulang. hee..akhirnya jadi hantuuu..

  21. Hahaha...lawak lah kak yan...ingatkan hantu betul tadi...

  22. eeee.... ngeri nyer.... zombie tu mesti nak promote movie resident evil yang baru
