
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Sweet Memory in Kashmir Valley (8) - Shah E Hamdan and Exploring Srinagar Old City

Right after we arrived from  Sonamarg, we went to  Srinagar city. Few things needed to be settled by Mr Fahad. I ikut je lah.. Sambil perhati sekeling city..Suka tengok bangunan kat sini. Old building yang maybe very rare we can see in Malaysia. especially in Kuala Lumpur city. In fact not even  in my home town city at all. 

Actually we went to his father's shop. I needed to go to toilet here..Heee.. sudah tahan dari Sonamarg lagi.. Dari pagi tau.. Dan i merasmikan lah new toilet depa. Sempat lagi tu bergambar kat sini..
This shop was still under renovation and upgrading. Di sini Mr Fahad mendapatkan key for his own office. Then from there we straight went to his office. Why we went to his office???Ahaaaa...
Mr Fahad ni kan my tour guide. So, he brought me there and showed me his office. 
and proven he has licence in this field. So i tak salah pilih tour guide lah kan.. 

Sebelum meninggalkan his office, R o u t e m a s t e r s, (this company is like tailor made punya package tau. Bukan macam lain - lain package.) Kat FACEBOOK ada gak tau link dia. Kitarang sempat lagi bergambar. We promised to bring more Malaysian come to Kashmir in future.. Kira i macam duta lah kot. I kira macam sleeping partner lah kunun.. Tapi tak invest apa - apa lah.. Just invest dari segi idea and try to bring Malaysian there. Heee.. ... Yang penting, KASHMIR IS SAFE FOR EVERYONE...SO DONT WORRY...YOU WILL FEEL LIKE HOME ESPECIALLY UNDER MR FAHAD.  (See..promote habis ni..) Mr Fahad ni pandai cakap Melayu sikit - sikit sebab he had been staying  in Malaysia for almost 3 years. He also told me that he preferred Malaysian to be his guests. Especially moslem. Lagi dia suka. This is his contact number,  - 00919419023222 -  INSYALLAHH.. kita tengok siapa lah yang pertama menjadi guest Mr Fahad selepas i..

Then Mr Fahad wanted us to explore Srinagar Old City. I pun ok je. He wanted me to see the real life of Kashmiris.. At first he showed one mosque here. Shah e  Hamdan Mosque..Love to see this architecture. Wooden mosque. Very old mosque. I have seen this mosque before, but just from Youtube,
One thing, women are not allowed to get in to this mosque..
Tak pe.. I keliling - keling je lahh..Tangkap sana tangkap sini. 
And Mr Fahad je lah jadi photographer nya...
Without complaining he just took a lots of pictures ..Thanksss..
I was allowed till this part je.. Depan pintu.. Tak ada chance..
The mihrab.

Kitarang ke arah belakang. Ada river here. Jehlum River.. Tapi sedih sangat hati i. Masa sembang - sembang dengan Mr Fahad, I saw one handsome guy threw a bag of rubbish in the river.. Arrgghhhh!!!..sakit hatiii.. 
We walked along the river bank then reached at the bridge. We still could  see the mosque.  Suka i tengok dari sini.. Sambil menikmati the view, we had our can drink and chips here. 
I love to see the old bridge there. Still can be used and named as Zaina Kadal.........
It is macam bus mini..

Masa berjalan - jalan ni Mr Fahad met his fren..

and we saw this.. My baby ada kedai lahhhh.. heee..

Singgah pulak ke graveyard,  Tomb of Zain-Ul-Abidin. Suka pulak i masuk ke sini.. Melawat kubur tu uuu.. Sakan kami took pictures here.. Yang penting cantik dan dapatlah disedekahkan fatihah buat saudara - saudara kita di sini. ALHAMDULLILAH..

This part dalam satu compound.
Ini pintunya....
Then we went to buy something for me to bring home. Dried fruit and nuts.
Okkkkk..teka - teki berrmula... APA BENDA NIIII????
Dan INI????
Suka pulak merayau ke daerah ni.. Macam - macam ada..Just i worried of the weight yang perlu i angkut dalam kapal nanti.
Tak beli pun cooper things ni. I wish i cud bring something, Tapi all these heavy stuffs. So, diam je lahh...Tapi Mr Fahad shoot je.. I pun menepek lahh..
Then sampai lah kami ke sini..Satu benda yang really synonym to Kashmir..
Tau apa ni???
Ini Balai Bomba diarang tau.. heee.. Old building tau.. I siap bergambar lahh.. Unique..
Gambar kat sini gakk..
Sebenarnya dah agak lewat. Our tummies bunyi - bunyi.. So, decided makan kat sini. Kunun - kunun Chinese food lahh..

Kitarang makan simple je.. Nasi Goreng Ayam.. Biasa - biasa je.. Ok lah...

Sambil makan, sambil layan perasaan looking at the Dal Lake..How nice..
Then lepas makan, we walked along the Dal Lake. Jauh u i jalan.. I tak sakit kaki punn.. MASYALLAHHHH..
Macam nak beli.. Hee... sure my tour guide i tu tak permit me..
Nice view..
But i still feel sad... Pollution.
Last but not least.. Dal Lake view... Cantik kannn.. Jom ramai - ramai pakat ke Kashmir.. INSYALLAHHH...Just believe in ALLAH.. U r safe here.. I experienced myself. And somemore, with Mr Fahad, u wil be in a good hands...INSYALLAHHH...So, sesiapa nak ke sana autumn, pun boleh dah ni...Lemme know okkk..

And one more thing..Pls guess apa benda yang i tanya tadi tu.. Ada 4 questions kat situ... Jawab tau.. Ada hadiah dari Kashmir..Okk..ada lagi tau.. Ini belum habis.. Next i nak cite my experience kat Dal Lake.. Tungguuuuuu.....See ya..

Volume 8, Book 73, Number 1 :

Narrated by Al-Walid bin 'Aizar
I heard Abi Amr 'Ash-Shaibani saying, "The owner of this house." he pointed to 'Abdullah's house, "said, 'I asked the Prophet 'Which deed is loved most by Allah?" He replied, 'To offer prayers at their early (very first) stated times.' " 'Abdullah asked, "What is the next (in goodness)?" The Prophet said, "To be good and dutiful to one's parents," 'Abdullah asked, "What is the next (in goodness)?" The Prophet said, To participate in Jihad for Allah's Cause." 'Abdullah added, "The Prophet narrated to me these three things, and if I had asked more, he would have told me more."


  1. salam yan
    cantiknya masjid sayang xboleh masuk .Untung Mr firhad tolong ambikkan gambar.
    Tasik tu pun cantikkkk sgtttt.

    Buah Almond ke ? yg kedua buah keras(hahaha) dan yg ke tiga tembakau wangi( ?)

  2. kak yan, nak guess pon no idea...hehehe...macam kacang pistachio pon ada..versi besar2..ngeeee

  3. cantiknyer kak... sgt antik n nampak sgt semulajd... psl masjid tu naper yek pmpuan tak blh msk kak?... kekacang2 besar2 betul yek... safron kt situ murah ke kak? kalu kt sini mahal tul...

    insyallah kalu ada rezeki nk sgt ke sana... cantik sgt

  4. insya allah ada rezeki sy nk ke sn..lg pon akk da kenal kn tourist guide so part tu x yah p-k byk2

    just try test power

    1. badam
    2. buah keras
    3. za'faran
    4. kopi

  5. canteknya building kat graveyard tu..
    pelik kenapa masjid tu takleh masuk ek..

    tau badam n safron je... huhu

  6. Cantik viewnya. I teringin nak ke kasmir ni. Berangan nak pergi tahun depan, kalau ada rezeki lah.

    Jawapan: 1. Almond 2. Hazel 3. saffron 4. Herba... tak tau nama

  7. Uniknya buildings kat sana kalau nak capture buildings/street photography....jambatan tu pun cantikkkk...puas layan gambar2 kashmir yg akan tepek dalam siri2 ni

    1. thanks to Mr Fahad yang rajin tangkapkan gambar2 tu semua. hee. i amik nama je.. Akak pegang satu camera. tapi tangkap sikit je. Asyik memandang.

  8. tak boleh nak agak lah kan apa benda nya tu yg no 3 & 4

  9. Salam Yong Yan

    Autumn in my heart bila tengok gambor2 tu...
    Nak cuba teka ni :
    1. Almond
    2. Hazel
    3. Saffron Kashmir
    4. Lada ( gambor kecik sgt la, main agak2 jer )

  10. saya tau yg kaler merah tuh - safron kan? mahal gile kan mende tu? tgk chef wan taruk sikit2 je dalam masakan dia.


    tapi kashmir ni mmg cantik banget sihh! gatal dah kaki niihhh!

    1. GB,

      betul safrone. 5 gm about Rp 750.. memang mahal.

      kasshmir memang cantik banget sih..ayouuuuhhh.. udah gatai yee..

  11. seklai pandang mcm pistachio je kak..hehe...

    p/s: kak, jgn lupa send no fon supir medan ye...tengs kak...

  12. srinagar nie tempat yg ada dlm filem hindustan tau akk
    saya ingat layie pic yg akk pandang atas , keliling dia ada bangunan tuu .. haaa filem 3 beradik tuu .. HUM SUTH2 HAIN ! haaaaaaaaa ekekek

    1. YA keee... seronok tau bila u cakap cam tu.. akak dah jarang tgk hindustan

  13. saya teka eh kak yan.. kihkih

    1) macam pistachio
    2) chestnut
    3) saffron
    4) chai tea...

    betul ka?


    1. Pistachio salah yang.. yang betul tu almond, then walnut. dua lagi betul.

  14. Salam Kak Yan,

    Saya cuba teka -

    a. Almond
    b. Hazel nut
    c. Saffron
    d. Tea


  15. salam kak yan,

    bandar diorang masih mengekalkan bangunan lama2 ye kak...
    nampak macam berdebu ke mata saya yang kelabu asap ni?

    err takde tekaan la kak, otak tepu dah ni .... hihihi

    1. mmg itu lah bangunan yang ada di sana suzi. diarang banyak wooden buildings.

      tak payah teka daaa...

  16. Cantik2 nye la haiiiiiiiiiii.. Uwawawawawa..

  17. Hi kak yan!

    I am so amazed by Kashmir, rayyan from beginning memang nak gi kashmir, especially time winter, knowing that it's safe, lagi lah lega... huhu...tak sabar nak sampai destination impian gak! =)

    if possible kak yan buat lah review all the expenses gak coz memang takleh nak imagine lagi cost nak travel kashmir ni..hehe...rayyan backpack jer :P

    anyhow, yang empat benda tu, 3 of them dah biasa makan..hehe:

    1. Almond
    2. Macadamia
    4: chai (tea) ??


    1. Rayyan,

      akak pegi kira macam luxury sikit dear. sebab duk kat hotel 4 stars. Houseboat pun kira mahal gak.. Nanti akak tanya Mr Fahad kalau dia boleh arrange kan untuk back packer. FOr akak bila mahal ni esp food memang dia jaga..

      jawapan semua betul kecuali Macadamia..sebenarnya walnut.

  18. Subhanallah cantiknye sis..u gi alone?oh my..finally tercapai gak cita2 u nk hi kashmir:))i nk jwb tp errr jap.i google dulu...kekeke

    1. mmg cantik maya. akak teruja sangat. dan impian ke sana tercapai. ALLAH saja yang tau hati akak kali pertama jejakkan kaki ke sini.

  19. Saam Yong
    Dah besorkan gambor boleh la nak cuba teka semula...
    4. Teh

    Harap2 jawapan keme ni betul....

    1. teh tu betul lah. tapi ada yang salah tadi tu..hee

  20. cantik dan unik masjid tu
    tapi kenapa woman tak boleh
    masuk kak??

    hubby ati pun teringin nk ámbik
    lesen tour guide

    1. cantik memang ati. akak pun tak tau kenapa tak leh masuk. lagipun perempuan sana jarang solat kat masjid.

      oo ye ke ati.. suruh dia buat lahh.

  21. Kak Kasih,

    itu lah pasai.. tapi saya bersyukur sebab Mr Fahad amikkan gambar. Kalau tak sure menangis.. Sayangkan dah sampai tapi tak leh tengok ..

    Emmm ada betul ada salah..heee

  22. seronok arini dpt tgk pemandangan cantek dan unik disni sbb tenet dah lajuu hehe...dah berapa ari tenet slow sgt xdpt tgk pic2...

  23. perkara mistik tu kak bila jisim badan bertambah..hehe

    kacang cerdik kot satu tu...

  24. almond, walnut, saffron & kashmiri tea. hehe :)

    1. yupp..not kashmiri tea but green tea.. but ok lahh..

  25. bestnyer kak...suka tgk masjid yg cantik tu.lum pernah sampai sana lagi.
    jwpn: badam, buah keras, safron dan tea kot..haha belasah jer teka:)

  26. Mama Iddin,
    bukan pistachio. Walnut yang bulat2 tu..

  27. Dana,

    mmg this mosque ni bit unique. Akak suka architecture nya.. Kayu lagi.. But then kita tak leh masuk. Sebab kat sini perrempuan jarang solat kat masjid.

    Nanti pegi kasi tau ye..

  28. heee teringin jugak rasanya nak ke sana.. especially bila duta dia yg buat promo gitu..

  29. Best Yanti. u tak akan menyesal.. i dah cari kan orang kat sana yang boleh jagakan org kita..INSYALLAHHH..

  30. Khairin,

    insyallahh. he is a good man...

    salah buat kopi dan buah keras tu.

  31. cantikkan illa.. kubur pun cantik tau..

    tak tau kenapa perrempuan sana tak macam kat sini berrebut2 ke masjid.

  32. Rozita,

    pegi ye.. then lemme know..

    hazel and herba tu salah yee..

  33. kak yan berapa ye pakej dia.. teringin nak gi time winter.kat kashmir mesti ada salji kan

    1. Eka, kalau nak akak call u. i will explain to u. TAK MAHAL..

  34. ada contact Mr fahad tak????- tolong pm saya-

  35. Tak sempat nk ikut tour package arwah fahad...
    hu hu hu....

  36. Kak yan... kita explore blog kak yan dh mcm bc novel tau...

  37. Entri 2012 pun sy korek lg ni...

    Kak yan... thn dpn p kashmir lg plisss ...

    Nk ikottt
