
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sun Inns Hotel, Kuala Selangor

Usually if i stay overnite in Kuala Selangor, i like to stay at D'Palma Hotel. Unfortunately, last week almost every hotel fully booked. Aduiiii..Sama gak di Pantai Indah Seaview. In fact D'Muara Marine Resort, Sungai Haji Donari also fully booked.. Then i tried Sun Inns Hotel. Never tried this hotel. Hanya tengok dari luar saja. At first we booked Superior Room. But it couldnt cater for our big family. So, i decided to book connecting rooms. Not bad.. I suka..
The reception counter of the hotel.
The lobby
Cantik kan?
To our rooms.
My Mommy n Daddi's room, one double bed with bathroom attached.
connected with my room. This room is really spacious.
The phone tadak boleh pakai..
Bukan hanya air conditioned, ada gak wall fan.
Bathroom is clean and simple.
Dressing table

My connecting room consists of one double bed in the first room while the second room has 2 double beds. It costs me around RM230. Another type of connecting room, one double bed in the first room and the second room has one double. Bit cheaper, RM175. While the third type has one double bed in the first room and the second room comes with twin sharing. Also i just costs around RM175. Affordable lah kan..

Below is the particular about this hotel.

G-16, Jalan Bendahara 1A,
Taman Bendahara,
45000 Kuala Selangor
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel:03-3289 5678
Fax:03-3289 3678



  1. Ye lah. Cantik dan selesa dengan harga mampu macam tu, sangat lah best! Selamat bercuti YAN...!

    Mereka yang Kukenali (7): si “Nothing Special...”

  2. nmpk selesa.....sesuai la utk family besar kn kak yan comel :)

  3. tak pernah sampai kuala selangor ni... tapi dah masuk dlm list cuti-cuti msia..nak pergi tengok kelip-kelip :)

  4. kak, kalau naik atas sikit sampai kampung saya..sungai besar...hehe...

  5. ok gak hotel tu..
    selesa..insyaAllah kalau takde aral minggu depan nak makan ikan bakar kat pantai remis dgn member2 ofis ni..bestnye....

  6. Hi Yan wow! K. Selangor has changed a lot! My time back in the '70s, it was a cowboy kind of town.
    Used to go there to fish for udang galas.
    Nice hotel you stayed in.
    Price pun boleh tahan, not heart attack, ha ha.
    Nice faily you have.
    Have fun.keep well, Lee.

  7. kak yan nampak macam ok jer hotel tue.. BSB dulu duduk kat D'Muara.

  8. mana tuan rumah ni?
    sihat ke
    sibuk ke?
    menyepi je
    kak yan.....(,")

  9. selalu Alin tau D'Palma je..sun inn baru ek?

  10. Assalam Sis...
    Udah sampai Khasmir ker??? Mana nie senyap jer x hado nrty baru pown...

  11. sun in ni dpn rumah mak sye..bru lg..
