
Friday, July 30, 2010

My Precious Frens

Since i was a kid i like to make frens. Not only gals, but also boys. In facts i had more boy frens rather then girls at school. And now, at the age of early 40 i still like to make frens. Especially after having my own PC and have account in Facebook. One day, Suhaila, one of my friend invited me to sign up one site , Travbuddy. Since then i am active and make more frens. But not Suhaila..haa..haa..Thru TB, we had many meet up..So, i load some of the photos while we had a meet up.
the pics bit blur coz i copy paste from someone's fb.
My first meet up in August, 2009. Me, Siti Zubaidah, Layla, Karen (Singaporean), and Kak Nanie (Malaysian) - We had our meet up at Aseana, KLCC. So happy to meet them even this was the first meeting. We talked, laughed, and shared experiences here. Karen, now is staying in Puchong. Very friendly lady. Really hope to meet them again.

In front of the Little Penang where the meet up was held. Erna (Malaysia), Fitri/Opaq (Indonesia), Yanti Soeparno (Indoensia), Michelle (Malaysia), Me, Liena Yusof (Malaysia), Nanie Othman (Malaysia), and Daniella (Bernard's wife - France).

And Jay (Philippines but staying in Malaysia), Ash (amalysia) Mark (America),Travel Soul (Malaysia but staying in Yemen), and Bernard (France)

Daniella, Me, and Bernard

Kak Nanie, Ash, me

So sorry, how come i forgot his actual name..Travel Soul - Very friendly and warm guy and k nanie

My second meet up with travbuddy was held at Little Penang, KLCC, in September 2009. This was organized by Yanti Seoparno from Indonesia. And this was also my first meeting with the rest. Usually we just contact thru TB and FB. It was great.There were 13 of us including Bernard's wife.

My third meet up was in Jakarta when i went there in March 2010. This was second time with Yanti, and first time with Vina and Nabil. We had our dinner at the mall, Plaza Indonesia. Supposedly i also gonna meet Ary and Aswin, but unfortunately they could not make it. INSYALLAH one day. AMEEN

We lepakking at the mall

This was all Yanti's idea. But we liked it.

Yanti, Vina Puspita, and Nabil.
In March 2010, Yanti told me that she would be coming to KL as her transit after Krabi tour with her friends. I took a chance to invite her and the gangs to come to my house. I also invited K Nanie to join us for lunch..So great to have them and i also had a chance meet another new friends. After having our lunch i brought them to Putrajaya to have a visit there.

@ Putrajaya

@ Secret Recipe, Central Market

@ my house
@ Central Market
I still remember that before Yanti came to Malaysia, i had another meet up with Amin (Ireland) and Razak(Malaysia). Unfortunately, the photos gone. Maybe it was deleted by me when transferring file. Hope to meet them again next time. But we still contact each other once in a blue moon.

When Indoensia in school holiday, Yanti brought her daughters to Malaysia. Unfortunately, they just dropping by at my house for a while before i sent them back to LCCT. We just went to Central Market to do their last minutes shopping. We had our lunch at Secret Recipe, SACC, Shah Alam.
Me, Yanti, and Raya

Yanti and her beautiful daughters, Arin and Raya..
Below - my last meet in 2010. I met Keiko (Singaporean) and now staying in Netherland and married with Harry (Netherland). We had our dinner at Sakae Sushi in KLCC. After that we met Suhaila and had coffee at Dome also in KLCC. Keiko was so warm and friendly..

It is so great to have friend like them.Until now i still wishing to meet Ary (Indonesia) who staying in Bali. But now she has moved to Germany. One day for sure..


  1. kak yan,

    Travbuddy? never heard about it. Must try ni.
    Bestnya meet up new friends....i like!!!

    kak yan, next time wanna joint boleh?

  2. Yan.......bagus ramai kawan dr serata tmpt. Kalau gi jln2 tmpt dia org boleh jumpa2 kan. Kak ani selalu gak masuk Travbuddy utk rujukan gi jln2 tp x pernah pulak terpikir nak join the club.....hmmm....bagus jugak idea tu kan!

  3. Kiz, memang best..Memula tu mmg rajin update lelama malas lah..cuma member2 tu masih ada lagi..seronok. pasal every place i p mesti jumpa diarang ni..In fact dah jadi member rapat..

    Kak Ani, join kak..memang best.. boleh share macam2.. bila saya jln, sure tanya depa ni..mmg bagus.. Depa rajin meet up..Saya je yg tak terkejar..

  4. Hey Azian, thanks for your compliment...miss u my buddy...hope to meet u again ya...btw nice blog...Travbuddy does change my life too....

  5. Hi Karen.. alahhh miss u already.. did u go to Siti's wedding?
