
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Beautiful Kokernag, Kashmir

Last N3 was about our  m o m e n t   i n   K o k e r n a g .. today i wanna share some of the pictures which i took in Kokernag.. What a beautiful place.  It is a special place for me. new place after two visits.. this place is awesome. so those yang nak ke Kashmir lagi dan dah ke mana - mana tempat lain, please do visit Kokernag.. MASYALLAHHH... so nice. anyway, let me share some of our pictures here. 

i put some information here which i got from Google..BUT PICTURES ARE ALL MINE AND SOME MAYBE FROM MY FRIENDS. just wanna share ok. 

Kokernag is a town and a notified area committee in Anantnag district in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. The word Kokernag has been derived from the two words namely, Koker and Nag. The word Koker has been taken from a Kashmiri word "Morgee" meaning chicken, while the word nag has been taken from Sanskrit word "Springs".

this is so wonderful, peaceful, and beautiful place.

Towns and village situated around Kokernag are Wangam, Hangalgund, Sagam, Zalergam, Dacksum, etc. Kokernag has been mentioned in Ain Akbari, where in it has been mentioned that the water of Kokernag satisfies both hunger and thirst and its is also a remedy for indigestion.

goshhh!!! we wished to be here longer.. and i think that is a good idea if we cud stay over nite at this area.. maybe next time.

The spring gushes out of the base of a thickly wooded hill from where it divides into channels, which resembles to the claw-foot of a hen, hence its name. Kokernag is at the height of(approx.)2000 mts from sea level. Place is famous for gardens, largest fresh water springs in Kashmir and for its trout streams.

One such legend goes on to the ancient times when a saint or Gushwami visited this place with a bucket in his hand. He was resting here when some women spotted his bucket of water. Since these women were in quest of drinking water and came from the nearby thick woods, they were tempted towards this bucket of saint. The saint was fast asleep so, they opened the lid of bucket but to their amaze; they found a snake instead of water inside it.

That snake crawled out of bucket and soon after, it changed into chicken which is called Koker in local language. It started digging the soil with its paws and at all such places where it dug, water bubbled out in form of small springs. 

This whole incident took place in the dream of that saint while he was sleeping while legends held that this gushing out of water stopped soon after he opened his eyes otherwise the whole area would have flooded that day. This is how the name of kokernag was anointed to this place.

from this stream we can drink the water directly.. 

 The water of Kokernag in Kashmir is believed to have medicinal and digestive properties. And because of these properties only, the spring is also known as Papashudan Nag or the sin-cleansing spring. 

just drink yarrr.. ALHAMDULILAH, i had a chance to drink for just a sip.. :-)

then just enjoy some roses here..

There is also a botanical garden and a rose garden near Kokernag, overflowing with fragrances of flowers and shrubs. 

last but not least, just enjoy this clip. bit shaky but still ok for me.. see yaaa.

cerita passal Kashmir masih berbaki yeeee... ini sekedar info saje.. obviously tourists  know more about other popular spots like Sonamarg, Gulmarg, or Pahalgam but not this place. . so that's  why i love to share about it here. just enjoy yarrrrr.


  1. SubhanAllah. Indah benar ciptaan Allah. Thanks kakak.

  2. Ya Allah bertuahnya Yan dapat jejak kaki kat tempat yg cantik menarik ni mmg sejuk mata memandang, dengan pemandangan yg memukau mata, tambahan lagi bunga rose tu mesti wangiii sangt berwarna warni aduhhh! macam nak nangis je kaknoor..

    1. ALHAMDULILAH kaknoor.. i love to come here again n again.. tp nak duduk sana tak lah kan. just enjoy the nature.. subhanallahhh..

  3. Wow terasa sejuuknya air tu yea...kalau berkelah kat situ pun best kan

    1. Berkelah kena waktu summer spring and autumn memang best. kalau winter tak yah lah.. gegel perut.

  4. Bestnyer..belum pernah jejak lagi tanah kashmir. Bercadang nak pergi..tapi ada ada saja halangannya.

    1. Just let me know kalau u bercadang ke sana.. i mmg boleh uruskan.

  5. Subhanallah... Tak kelip mata kakak memandang Yan
    Pemandangan yg mendamaikan dengan bunga yg fresh lagi

    1. ALHAMDULILAHH. best kan kak. nanti akak n abang leh enjoy kat sini.

  6. I love this place very much,
    by LINA

  7. Subahanallah.. cantiknya kak yan. rasa nyaman je tgk.

    1. ALHAMDULILAH..memang best this place.. akak pun br first time ke sini.. selalu tpt lain.

  8. SubhanAllah cantiknya pemandangan airnya pulak jernih. Bunga ros berwarna warni dan besar2.

    1. Air jernih dan enak katanya.. segar.. time sejuk air akan warm, then bila summer air akan sejuk.. hebatkan..

  9. bersihnya airrr... rasa nk terjun je kalau tak sejuk hehehee

  10. Cantikla..redup jek..mata memandang tak rasa semak kan tengok kehijauan alam

  11. subhanallah again kak.. beautiful pictures.. ada fall leaves and stream mmg perfect picture..
    huwaaaa.. lagi2 nanti share lagi gmbr bnyak2..

    1. he..heee. moh kita ke Kashmir.. insyallahhh.. nnt akak share lagi.. sampai muntah hijau nnt ...heee
