
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

TAO Cafe, Srinagar KASHMIR

Location, ambiance, and food.. What i cud say, BRILLIANT!!! the restaurant is an open air kinds.. You  are surrounded but not just rose bushes with full blooming flowers, but sitting under a big chinar  tree.. the place is so alluring..  this is a garden cafe in Srinagar, Kashmir... and also known as one of the oldest restaurant in Lal Chowk. Anyone can just drop in here to relax and have the meal in a peace.. What a place to me..

dari luar, it's just nothing.. like kedai kat kampung je.. macam warung - warung gitu..

ini kira main entrance dia lah.. during my first visit dulu, i masuk dari arah lain.. means belakang dia.. 

then masuk ke this compound, you will like it.. esp masa yang kitarang pegi ni spring time.. best sangat.. sejuk.. yang ini, means those who love to be indoor, boleh lah masuk ke dalam sana tu... but for us, we love to be outdoor.. lebih alami gitu.. sambil menghidu udara segar. 

that building is the general post office. 

This ancient restaurant which is approximately about 100 years old.. It serves you with excellent coffee like many others say.. but i took Chai here which was served in the old time bronze kettle..

My chai being served by the handsome old man in 2012..

this might be  Khemma.. (frankly speaking, i don't know the name). 

these dishes being served to me.. the rice was superb.. dan lauk - lauk dia, perrgghhh!!!! so yumm.. love it so much..

then, this during my second visit.. we took Kebab.. so big and yumm..

i hardly remembered the name.

apa - apa pun, it's yumm..

if u are interested to know more about Tao Cafe, u can go HERE..

at this time, SO COLD... even hot tea can't help us.. heeeeeee.

before leaving, try this.. 

 this is the address of the cafe.. so those yang nak ke Kashmir in future (esp to Liza, Su, and Adi yang akan travel ke dana soon) try this cafe.. 

Residency Rd, Munshi Bagh, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir.


  1. Mungkinkah agaknya kakcik akan dapat ke sana...

  2. seronoknyaa dapat pergi kashmir. still kumpul duit lagi nak berjalan :D

    1. Nur Inani, kalau nak pegi, let me know ok.. aunty will guide u dear... INSYALLAH...

  3. makanan sedap, environment menarik..what a bliss..peaceful moments..

    1. ALHAMDULILAH.. environment yang memang sangat tak boleh lupa..

  4. Replies
    1. CikLily Putih boleh lah pegi nanti.. tempat yang sangat cantik.. Paradise on Earth.

  5. Kak Yan buat lagi trip to India next year and hubby nak join. This year tak boleh...dah penuh trip.

    1. Leez..

      tak perlu ikut akak pun Leez boleh pegi.. akak arrange kan aje.. Nnt u both boleh pegi then ajak 2 org lagi.. so boleh save budget.. kalau berdua pun boleh gak.. bukan mahal mana pun..

  6. klasik tu teko tembaga ... mungkin satu hari nanti akan sampai di sana ...

    1. i mmg dah verangan nak capai kalau pegi lagi autumn nanti.. tunggu yee.. hee

      sure u boleh pegi.. nanti just refer to me ok..

  7. betul tu Qaseh Vee... makanan sedap sedap giler tapi best betul tengok teko tembaga tu... kalau ada jual bulih beli buat cenderamata....

    1. Boleh aje Najib.. banyak ada di sana.. nanti u beli yee..

  8. Huhuhuu... dah la tempat best menawan gitu ditambah makanan yg sedap lagi awesome hahaha.. :D tanam niat utk smpai ke sana wiiii..

    1. boleh2.. apa salahnya.. jejauh jejak... takat sect 7 ni apa lah sgt kan.

  9. teringin nak kut akk gi jenjalan... uuhuuuuu..
