
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Looking for Patchi di Midvalley Shopping Mall

Story on 25th July, 2013 - Thursday afternoon. 

After buat biscuit delivery ke JPS, we went to Midvalley..tu yang saje tayang gambar Chef CiJu at the toilet entrance.. hee. saje je.. suka tengok this area even just toilet lah kata orang. bersih..we arrived here at 2.00PM.. ada hal yang terpaksa gak ke sini..

sebelum tu dapat gak tengok apa yang ada di kawasan shopping mall ni.. meriah gak kawasan tengah shopping mall ni.. but for me not as meriah as selalu lahh.. simple decor je.. 

setelah hampir nak tercabut lutut i, baru i terjumpa this place. I mencari kedai Patchi Chocolate. Chocolate yang memang sangat mahalnya itu.. but to tell you, this chocolate memang sedap.. 

nak tau kat mane kedai ni.. in front of Charles and Keith.. kat ground level.. if u r from Midvalley dan nak ke Gardens, sure will pass by this shop which is located on your left. 

while looking around, i was amazed with the chocolate wrapping.. penuh stylo lah. no wonder kan.. rege dia boleh buat orang sakit jantung.. 

Just wanna share with you guys some infos about this chocolate. Mr Nizar, the founder of Patchi is a prominent businessman in Lebanon who started a small family business in Beirut 25 years ago producing and selling chocolate in shops in Beirut called Patchi. 

The founder and chairman is Mr Nizar Choucair was honored during the 7th edition of Saudi - Lebanese Economic Forum of the Al-Iktissad Wal-Aamal Group. Kalau tengok dari nama founder ni macam muslim root lah kan.. but i m not sure.. Just i tanya dari saleperson tu, dia kata Moslem.. ALHAMDULILAH... 

look at chocolate yang tadak wrapper tu.. itu date coated with chocolate.. yang ini memang sedap dan best seller. usually kata saleperson tu, bila ramadan mula ni, yang ini dulu yang habis stock..ingat nak beli, tapi sayang sekali.  

"The business grew to become a company that distributes chocolate and confectionary to more than 97 Patchi branches and franchises around the world located in London, Paris, Poland, Malaysia, India, Dubai, KSA, Kuwait, Syria, Abidjan."

If you look at this hamper, some cost you about thousand.. Gulppp!!!... well..please dont comment anything.. kalau kita nak beli sendiri of coz, mati idup balik, tak akan beli kan.. bit if given by someone, for sure kita kenduri. heeee..

Not only the confectionery itself wrapped in shiny paper, it often comes in elaborate silver or cut glass bowls. Dazzlingly...ribbonned and topped with Swarovski crystal... Can u believe that.. wowww... tapi i tak beli lah yang cam ni..  For those yang nak tau pasal Patchi boleh lah tengok how Patchi is di F a c e b o o k and also the website P a t c h i. .. Please dont argue about the price.. Orang kata tak kenal maka tak cinta.. 

tak tahan dugaan, we bought some.. dalam 100gm gitu. plus minus dalam RM60. 

well, i came here not because i teringin nak makan. tapi i need to buy the chocolate for my hampers. ada client yang request this chocolate to be included in hampers.  i just made 3 sets. in fact some of my wedding gifts ada i guna kan this Patchi. 

for your info, this shop will be closed in October. aduiii.. so kalau i nak Patchi lagi i need to go to KLCC, or Pavilion, or Bangsar Village Shopping Centre. aduiii.. tempat - tempat ni lah yang malas i nak jejak.. traffic one thing, another thing, kopak pocket kalau ke sini.. hhhhh.. 

ALHAMDULLILAH.. mission accomplished.. we rushed back before 4.30PM.. but still bit traffic. tapi tak teruk sangat lah.. and belah Shah Alam to KL.. goshhhh.. naik geli tekak.. stuck.. kesian betul lahhh.. but what to do.. this is normal traffic during ramadan. diuji kesabaran.. tak pe.. balik rumah kita layan Patchi... heee.. okkk.. daaa.. 

Volume 3, Book 47, Number 771 :
Narrated by Al-Miswar bin Makhrama
Allah's Apostle distributed some cloaks but did not give anything thereof to Makhrama. Makhrama said (to me), "O son! accompany me to Allah's Apostle." When I went with him, he said, "Call him to me." I called him (i.e. the Prophet ) for my father. He came out wearing one of those cloaks and said, "We kept this (cloak) for you, (Makhrama)." Makhrama looked at the cloak and said, "Makhrama is pleased," (or the Prophet said), "Is Makhrama pleased?"


  1. Sibbaik tak bleh layan Patchi dalam keta... ^_^ best nye kakak.. Nak cikit..

  2. tak mampu la nak makan patchi ni kak yan
    kite makan coklat tesco je.hihihi

  3. harga dah macam tu dah tentu sedap. seriously tak pernah dengar pasal patchi ni..nanti pi terjah kat pesbuk depa..

  4. To tell u the truth..if u r looking the real chocolate I rs ini the best..esp yg ada good..

    Lagipun moslem product..

  5. Mak aihhhh..mahal bebenor....hehehe..

    1. Dah tuuu...chocolate masuk harods mmg sedap..

  6. saya biasa singgah kedai ni kalau ke midvalley or klcc...... singgah untuk tengok je... nak beliiiii....... ya ampun tak mampu lagi rasanya. Mahal sangat reganya

  7. Yan, beli cap kedburi pun Pak Temuk kena belah tabung buluh, hihi. Tapi, kalau makanan, walau mahal, Pak Temuk suka juga cuba-cuba. Seronok kalau kita rasa ia memang fantastik. Tapi sesal berminggu-minggu kalau lepas bayar mahal, kita rasa ia flatstik.

    1. Sedap kan pak temuk..kalau nak cuba tak perlu banyak... sikit2 je tapi pak temuk hati2.. hee

  8. Seyes sdp patchi ni... Pernah dpt dr bos dulu2...

  9. Mesti sedap ni Kak Yan, satu hari kalau rezeki lebih boleh try kot...

  10. cantik2 la dia decorate hamper tu..mesti sedap kan??
