
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My MRI di KPJ Klang.

Ok lah.. just nak share sikit pengalaman..hee...hee.. pengalaman gitu ye.... pengalaman masuk hospital.. sebenarnya bukan sakit apa sangat... i just nak find out about my sakit punggung lah.. kan i jatuh masa travel ke Hanoi tu.. memang i tak jatuh terduduk.. tapi i merasakan kesan dari my spine kot yang membuatkan segala tulang belulang i ni rasa sakit.. i just merasakannya je lah.. memang bukan back bone yang sakit, tapi my coccyx yang sangat ngilu.. tak boleh duduk terlalu lama.. even masa baring pun i dapat merasakan rasa ngilu tu.. that's why i took a decision to go to hospital and find out what happened.. 
Disebabkan rasa meluat i nak pergi ke DEMC lagi, i terus decided to go to KPJ Klang. lagipun my fren, Mem Sue Cheeria ada suggested this hospital.. this is new hospital.. lagipun dekat dengan my house.. belakang rumah je..Or another choice is KPJ Shah Alam.. But since this hospital is new, i cubalah ke sini..
Appointment pun dah dibuat... so i went here on Thursday.  Lepas met the doc, i decided to do the MRI. kalau just do the x-ray maybe cam tak details kan.. that's why i buat mri... since i m using insurance i think better i warded and do the MRI on the next day. Meanwhile, i went back.. sampailah insurance company said that i boleh warded and the GL approved lah...
masa masuk ke bilik, my katil was still not ready yet.. so tunggu je lah..i also took extra bed for tukang teman... i supposedly entitled to have 4 bedded room. but usually i akan ambik standard room lah kann.. ramai sedara mara.. since i upgrade the room, so my insurance just covered 80% je.. biasa lah tu.. nak wat cam no.. terima lah  this was also a lesson to me.. kena tengok contract, term n condition mesti baca betul - betul sebelum turun signature.. 
i went to the hospital almost at 7.00PM. Chef CiJu yang teman... malas nak susahkan Hubby.. ye lah..this was just buat MRI.. tu je. bukan sakit teruk...then once tiba, dapat lah bracelet ni..
at 9.00PM cam tu lah, checked BP and temperature. since i memang bukan sakit apa - apa, so result ok je lah kann...
at almost 10.00PM Hubby and kiddos sampai.. kecoh lah kejap.. se kecik asked Hubby to buy a bouquet of flower for  me. Hubby asked why dia nak bagi flower. He said to show his love to me.. heee...muahhh.. but then kedai bunga tadak kat this hospital.. so, dia ambik square pillow tu.. Mr Bean.. bagi kat i.. hee.. tq darling..sambil mengecek nak tidur dengan i kat hospital.. 
Hubby bawak datang Mee Goreng Mamak.. tak berapa enak kids yang habiskan..
semua nak baring atas katil i.. macam rindu betul walhal baru sehari tak jumpa. dan memasing merengek nak tidur hospital.. sabar je lah kann..well, depa balik gak akhirnya.. so tidur lah i malam tu ditemani Chef CiJu..
before MRI, i took breakfast.. eemmm.. bread, butter and jam. plus ada sausages and red beans. i just took bread.. sausages tu Chef CiJu yang makan.. but still not enuf, she went down to the cafe..
beli Mee Hoon.. kureng... makan je sikit..also she bought Caramel Pudding tu.. ok ok lah..after breakfast, at 11.00AM kot baru i dapat buat MRI.. waiting lama gak.. and ALHAMDULILAH the procedure just took about 1 hour. tak lah letih sangat.. 
right after that, i took lunch.. semalam mintak Ikan Masak Kicap.. Beriya - iya i makan.. sedap pulak Ikan Masak Kicap tu.. I love to eat Taugeh.. butttt..this sayur, tawaq lahh.. terus mintak Chef CiJu masakakan nanti..heeeee.. :-).... waiting and waiting for the MRI result. at the end at 5.00PM or maybe 6.00PM baru doc met me and explained about the MRI's result. the result is... My coccyx injured and swollen. itu pasai i tak leh duduk terlalu lama.. sure ngilu... he gave me suggestion to have jab on my coccyx. buttttt.... i tak sanggup pulak nak tayang my beautiful butt to him.., just sabar je lahh..

I thot doc would let me out. but he said better stay another one nite.. huuuhhh.. what to do.. duduk je lah.. even i tak lah sakit bebeno, stillll.. the nurse datang ke bilik dan BP time.. and pain killer kena ambik.. satu lagi..before this i just ada cyst kat spine kan...but from the MRI dah detected that i ada minor slip discs. YA ALLAH... takut ada, seram ada, but i just have ALLAH.. let ALLAH decides what the best for me.. i maybe just berusaha dan berdua'a langsung tawakal to HIM..
malam tu, i took this for my dinner.. Whatttt.... fruit salad and Ikan Masak something - something.. eeemmm... so, i makan salad dulu.. then baru makan nasi.. ALHAMDULLILAH.. sedap pje lahh.. 
plus ada Soya.
ada Plum.. yang ni habis sebelum i dinner..
esoknya i took requested this breakfast.. cereal gitu.. i kenyang dah.. 
tapi Chef CiJu ajak ke cafe hospital.. so ke sana lah i.. 
eeemmmm.. Nasi Goreng, puffs, and Cafe Latte kalau tak silap yang dibeli Chef CiJu untuk i. 
siap tambah telur goreng mata cair lagi tu. heeee....
akhirnya t 2.30PM i dapat keluar. but before that ada lagi lunch for me.. spaghetti tu i tak lalu.. i just hirup soup tu je.. and watermelon..
ALHAMDULLILAH all the staffs friendly.. baik - baik belaka.. 
picca - picca dulu lah.. then siap depa hantar sampai ke kereta.. admitted just 2 nites.. but, barang nya melambak..thanks to all the staffs.. IN SYA ALLAH jumpa lagi. tapi bukan di hospital i hope.. jumpa kat luar. heeeeeee.. Balik dari hospital i tak terus balik rumah.. terus ke SACC...layann..
ke Secret Recipe. heee.. Layan Strawberry Marshmallow Cheese..sedappp
pandang lagi..licinggg..
Cafe Latte..
and Vietnamese Noodle.. 3/4 habis..
atas ni, Chef CiJu punya..ALHAMDULLILAH BARAKALLAH..kenyang..Betapa indahnya berada di luar bilik hospital kan... Semoga ALLAH kurnia kesihatan yang baik buat i, anak - anak, family, dan teman - teman semua..terkurung  minda.. sengsara jiwa lah gamaknya.. itu i just sakit sikit dan hanya buat MRI.. cam ne yang sakit teruk tu kann... Anyway, now i bit ok after did traditional massage last Friday.. MASYALLAHH.. bahagia rasa.. but still ada rasa ngilu - ngilu sikit. but bit relief now..
Volume 9, Book 93, Number 470 :
Narrated by Mu'adh bin Jabal
The Prophet said, "O Mu'adh! Do you know what Allah's Right upon His slaves is?" I said, "Allah and His Apostle know best." The Prophet said, "To worship Him (Allah) Alone and to join none in worship with Him (Allah). Do you know what their right upon Him is?" I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know best." The Prophet said, "Not to punish them (if they do so)."


  1. wah..kuar spital trum nyam nyam ye kak? ;-)

  2. Alhamdulillah tidak ada yang serius sangat. Semoga cepat sembuh.

  3. Biasalah KPJ! Mmg sekurang2nya 2 hr dia akan tahan.....Yan! slip disc kn byk rehat. Kn kurang movement tau......smoga cpt sembuh! Take care, Yan!

    1. Ini baru first time i.masuk sini kak..sblm ni just demc.

      Rehat2 cam ni lah kak...tetap.nak ke sana sini..

  4. semoga semua dipermudahkan kak, n semoga kesakitan akak tu cpt sembuh spt sediakala, bln 5 ni aiyan pun kene bt MRI gk kt HKL je, paed genetik yg suh, sbb nk tau kot2 ada masalah kt kepala aiyan, sbb bt ultrasound tak jelas sgt kan... mintak2 lah takde apa yg serius, tkt gk kami

  5. Alhamdulillah. Your slip disc minor yer Kak Yan. Insya Allah ok tu nanti.

  6. Harap akak cepat2 sehat.Rehat byk2...

  7. yan..lucu tengok anak2 yan ramai2 atas katil, macam picnic pulak. sweet irfan. bahagia dapat anak yg meyayangi kitakan..mudah2an sampai ke hujung nyawa sayangnya mereka pada kita. one more, syukurlah tak de yang serius. bolehlah jalan2 lagi..

    1. Tulahhh..siap.plan x nak.p.sekolah..nak stay dgn ibu...

      Insyallah duaa kan depa.jadi anak2 yg soleh..

      Harap2 ok lah kannn..

  8. Salam Yong

    Jaga kesihatan baik2. Moga cepat sembuh.
    tulang tongkeng tu memang sensitip kalau kite jatuh kan...hehe...masa teman kena dulu...fuuuhhh...rasa berasap telinga tahan sakit dia....

    Yong, teman dengor citer dari Kerala kata ayurveda massage tu elok untuk slip disc, benor or idok tu teman tak tahu ler...

  9. Mmg sensitip..heer

    amboiii..kerala best kannn..insyallah nanti boleh usha lah kann..

  10. wah macam check in hotel je akak ni walhal check in hospital hihihi...harap akak terlepas dari masalah slip discs tu, subhanallah jauhkanlah

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  12. sis, bg sis, mana lebih baik utk buat rawatan ye? kpj klang ke, kpj shah alam ke atau demc?.... bila ada minor slip disc tu yg depa propose 6x fisio kan sis?
