
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sambal Tempe

I anak beranak cukup suka dengan benda ni... Sedappp sangat.. Buat sekuali pun boleh habis sehari kot... Ada dia ek??? Emmm kalau orang JAWA sure synonym dengan food ni... I panggilll 

Sambal Goreng Tempe..
Semangkuk ni habis seminggu. I mintak pada My SIL yang buat kan.. Duduk di Ijok.. Orang JAWA.. Sedapnya...Emmm.. nak tepon Kak Idah lah.. Nak mintak dia buat kan SAMBAL GORENG TEMPE...
Volume 7, Book 65, Number 293 :

Narrated by Anas bin Malik
Abu Talha said to Um Sulaim, "I have heard the voice of Allah's Apostle which was feeble, and I think that he is hungry. Have you got something (to eat)?" She took out some loaves of barley bread, then took her face-covering sheet and wrapped the bread in part of it, and pushed it under my garment and turned the rest of it around my body and sent me to Allah's Apostle . I went with that, and found Allah's Apostle in the mosque with some people. I stood up near them, and Allah's Apostle asked me, "Have you been sent by Abu Talha?" I said, "Yes." He asked, "With some food (for us)?" I said, "Yes." Then Allah's Apostle said to all those who were with him, "Get up!" He set out (and all the people accompanied him) and I proceeded ahead of them till I came to Abu Talha. Abu Talha then said, "O Um Sulaim! Allah's Apostle has arrived along with the people, and we do not have food enough to feed them all." She said, "Allah and His Apostle know better." So Abu Talha went out till he met Allah's Apostle. Then Abu Talha and Allah's Apostle came and entered the house. Allah's Apostle said, "Um Sulaim ! Bring whatever you have." She brought that very bread. The Prophet ordered that it be crushed into small pieces, and Um Sulaim pressed a skin of butter on it. Then Allah's Apostle said whatever Allah wished him to say (to bless the food) and then added, "Admit ten (men)." So they were admitted, ate their fill and went out. The Prophet then said, "Admit ten (more)." They were admitted, ate their full, and went out. He then again said, "Admit ten more!" They were admitted, ate their fill, and went out. He admitted ten more, and so all those people ate their fill, and they were eighty men.


  1. saya pon suke jugak..alahai..sedapnye....

    1. mmg sedap..tak makan dgn nasi, makan gitu aje dah sedap.

  2. salam kak yannnnnnnn ...kalau dil jadi balik mesia sebelum bersalin nanti,tolong orderkan bolehhhhhhh? feveret ni..slalu beli kat org jawa kat pasar klang,tapi makcik tu dah meniggal,x dapat rasa lagi....dil siap bawak datang mesir lagi dulu...hihihi.....

    1. boleh dear.. email kat kak yan nanti tau..ini SIL yang buat.

  3. Kakcik pun suka sambal ni tapi gigi kakcik dah tak kuat untuk mengunyah lagi. :(

    1. kalau macam tu mmg kena hancur kan dulu tu kak..hee..

  4. suka..mmg suka sangat..kami kat rumah tu nmg peminat tempe lg bila buat mcm nii..

    nk ode boleh ke...betul2 ni..

    1. ye ke ain..

      nak order boleh.. Minggu depan ada stock kot.. INSYALLAH.. nanti message lah.

  5. Tau tak, ni memang fav suami saya, duduk kawasan orang jawa haruslah tak lari dari tempe kan, hehe

    1. betul tu.. kalau mengadap ni depan tv, tup tup habiss..

  6. my husband's favourite dish tapi saya malassss nak buat.. sebab bukan reti sangat pun.. hehehe...

  7. Wawawawa terliuq nya!
    Duk KL selalu lah mkn menda ni,
    tp bila dah balik kelate... jarang sangatlah ada benda ni,
    tak semua pasar ada jual nya... mak lagi lah tak suka..
    katanya apa mende lah nih.. hahahah adoi tempe cicah kicap sedapnya :P

    1. Tempah je lah nanti.. the best lah kann..Javanese food.

  8. aaaa..saya suke..saya suke..kalau org jawa mmg terror laa buat gini..i pnh try tapi x jadik..tak taulah rasenye mcm tak kene.. jawa celup mmg gini..hahaha

    1. betul tu Maya.. Akak lagi lah.. tau makan je.. Buat soryyyy..hee

  9. QH pon suka jugak...dh lama rasanya xmkn...hehe

    1. Rasa2nya semua orang suka kot.. Tapi tetap ada yang tak suka kann.. tekak lah katakan.

  10. as salam...
    akak, kite wong jowo...suke jugak bende nihh....lauk yg simple dan sedap kan...makan dgn nasi panas2....sdap sdap sdap....

  11. salam kak..kawan saye yg bukan jawe pun suke sangat ngan sambal tempe ni..setiap kali datang umah, mesti suruh saye masak sambal tempe ni..wajib... hehehe.. saye anak jawe..

    1. macam akak cakap tadi lah.. semua orang suka.. tapi ada gak yg tak suka.. Dahnak anak tekak kan.. hee

  12. mkn ngan nasi putih pns2 da ckp utk tambah 4 - pinggan ni

  13. Nanti buat banyak2 pastu singgah Sg Chua antar kat acu ye
    hehheheee... :p

  14. aduhla kak...terliur tgk sambal tempe tuh.... kalu yg sedap tu pedas2 manis melekat... perkh mmg syok tul

  15. salam kenal jugak.. :)

    sy x mkn tempe..x leh masuk ngan tekak..

    1. salam kenal gak..

      takleh makan tempe cam tu je kot.. Tapi kala udah bergoreng cam ni sure licing.. Heyyy..tempe tu bagus tauuu..belum tau maksiat dia tu.hee

  16. saya pun suker sambal tempe ni...sedap sangat makan gitu pun best

  17. saya pun suka!!!! dulu kecik2 terpengaruh dgn pakcik saya yg mmg org Jawa.
    akak makan tak tempe goreng cicah kuah kicap? marvelous tauuuu...dah lama tak makan, susah nak cari kedai yg jual kat Kl/Shah Alam ni

    1. Daddy Ziyyad..just name it.. akak jenis makan apa je yang dihidang kan.. Sedap makan banyak. tak sedap makan sikit.

  18. Ha... setuju!! Kakak memang suka. Ala Yan.. senang je nak buat. Kan sambal tumis aje tu. Masukkan tempe yg dah goreng tipis, kacang tanah dan ikan bilis. Tapi kena lebih gula sikit... Buat macam sira gitu... kalau makan sebalang nie sekejap je licin hihi...

    1. hee..thanks kak.. tapi saya ni jenis pemalas.. tau makan je.. atau paling mudah. beli. hee

  19. K.ani pun suka tempe tp yg goreng. Sambal tempe Yan nmpk sedap!!! Hr tu Huda bwk balik chips tempe dr Bt. Pahat.....sgt sedap!!!

    1. sedap kak.. tapi yg chips tu kena tgk. kalau tak ada bau tengik..

  20. Kak Yan...
    Teringat dulu2 zaman belajar, sorang kawan ini orang Muar sorang lagi orang Segamat. Setiap kali lepas cuti itulah yang kita orang tunggu2 sambal goreng bekalan mak dia orang. Boleh ngap2 cam tu saja...

    1. Ooo ye ke.. Heee... bukan rindu kat kawan tu ye.. rindu kat sambal tempe.

  21. Kak Yan..memang sedap..makan gitu pun dah sedap

  22. mertua papa mifz duk ijok gak...skrg bilo dah kawen dgn org Jawa...tempe dah jadi salah satu makanan feveret papa mifz...hehe

    1. Oooo kat mana tu kat Ijok?

      Favorite org Jawa dan orang Malaysian.

  23. saya suka gak sambal tempe ni..aduh kecur terus..

  24. emak saya pun selalu buat, tapi agak kering sket.. memang sedap nyum nyum..
