
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lunch with staffs Quality Hotel

Usually after BACK TO SCHOOL my company akan buat annual dinner. Ye lahh.. Appreciation to the staffs yang telah bertungkus lumus. Kita dah buat for 2 years. But this year the company decided not to do. Lagipun the staffs ramai yang budak - budak sekolah. Then we come up with the idea buat lunch gathering dengan permanent staffs. So tak ramai lah kan.. We went to the nearest place lah. Quality Hotel. Depan Plaza Alam Sentral je.  Senang bagi staffs nak mai pun. Jalan je. 
I was the earliest yang mai.. Tengok - tengok menu yang dihidang kan. Nampak macam best je. 
Banyak choices yang ada. Mostly Malay food lah.
Dessert pun nampak mengancam..
Tengok ye apa yang i ambik dan makan.
I took Mee Celup. Sorry to say.... biasa - biasa saja.. Tak mengancam langsung.
Fine.. i took sayur, ok lah. Ayam Perrcik pun ok lah gak.. Gulai Kawah, failed. Daging nya tawar je rasanya..
Tomyam, ayamnya rasa macam dah tak fresh je.. Ada bau sikit..
I took Pulut Kuning ni.. Emmmm...oookkkk lah....Tapi some cakap pulutnya tak berapa tanak.
Last but not least. Dessert. I took agar - agar. But keras dan tak ada rasa sangat. Yang dalam cup tu je yang berkenan dek tekak..The rest ada ambik Cheese cake. But cheesenya macam tengik... YA ALLAH.. tka tau kenapa lah food kat sini teruk sangat.. I jadi tak faham. I thot, i sorang yang cerewet cam ni. Rupa - rupanya the rest of the group felt the same way.. Complaint diam - diam dalam hati.. Last sekali baru depa cakap..Heeeee...Well, sorang tu depa charge RM49. But why jadi cam ne?
Before this w usually pergi The Concorde. And the food were so good lah.. Tak pe.. kita saksikan je manusia yang menjamu selera yang tak berapa menyelerakan ni...Heee....
Akhirnya dapat gak tukang ambik gambar berrgambar..heeee...Kenapalah muka tu makin "cumel" je...Masa ni belum pergi Phuket lagi ni.. Now lagi lah.. And this Monday, akan ke seberang pulak... Makkkk aiiii..bertambah - tambah melambot lahhh..heeee.....Layannnnn...
Sunnah of Rasulullah.

Eating together for blessing.

The people said, " O Rasulullah (may ALLAH bless him and grant him peace) we eat but are not satisfied." The Messenger of ALLAH (may ALLAH bless hin and grant him peace) said, "You may be eating separately," They said, "Yes". The Messenger of ALLAH (may ALLAH bless him and grant him peace), "Eat together and recite BISMILLAH there will be blessing."


  1. rojak buah ada erk.. wow!! nampak menarik.. ;)

  2. presentation kemain... nampak selera...

  3. tp nampak mcm byk jugak pilihan kan kak

  4. nampak semua sedap.. mengancam nafsu makan je.. hanya yg merasa dapat merasa..

  5. nmpak cam sedap tp kalu rasa kureng... pyh gk nk mengulang mkn situ lenkali kn kak

  6. kakyan saya tak pernah lagi jumpa mee celup yg betul2 sedap...

  7. should tell them..len kali depa kena improved lah, depa tau masuk blog ni ketag la depa..heheh

  8. sedap-sedapnya Yan.....terliur ni depan pc nasib baik air liur tak meleleh.

  9. Bestnya dapat majikan yang menghargai staff cam ni...

    Yang tak bestnya...tempat makan yg grand tapi tak sedap sure yan frust kann?

    Hah..I tau u nak bercuti kemana . Enjoy the trip...
