
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Some little tips to share...

I just wanna share some informations about budget accommodation and affordable restaurant in Langkawi.

I searched some of the information about accommodation thru internet. Because of the big numbers in this group, i took 1 unit apartment of 3 bedrooms at Kondo Istana Apartment.
There are one king size bed in master bedroom, 2 singles in second room, and one single bed in the third room.

There are 2 bathrooms. One in master bedroom with bathtub and another one is sharing bathroom.
Quite simple kitchen to have your warm drink.The hall is also quite spacious.
In front of the Istana Kondo. This simple Malay restaurant offers you quite reasonable price for your meal. Open at 17.00PM till midnite. Contact person for the apartment - Cik Azma (012 -5154575

The hotel is at the first floor.
This is the hotel Duty Free Shop.
Simple reception.
The deluxe room.
The superior room with window. I added one extra bed.
If you forget to bring your tooth brush and also tooth paste, dont worry..
I really love the bathroom with rain shower. Clean.
Another budget hotel is Azio Hotel. I really love this hotel. Worth of your money. Situated in Pekan Kuah. At the ground level, it has its own Duty Free Shop. Shop till you drop. Contact person - Miss Joyce (04-9698287)
One big shop and factory for sea cucumber is Nusantara. I think this is the biggest. Easy to go. Located just on the left side of Langkawi Highway to airport.
This seafood restaurant is located at Pantai Cenang. You wont regret. The seafood was great. Quick serving.
Even little tips to share, i hope these will help others. Another important tip, BRING MUCH OF MONEY AND SHOP TILL YOU DROP or JUST BRING YOUR PLASTIC MONEY. Happy holiday and happy shopping.

I have to add up some link here for more information.

1. click here for hotel info.
2. click here for more review.

1. click here for the blog.
2. click here for more review.


  1. langkawi island!!!! never failed to make me smileeeeee ;p

    (smile bila aktiviti "melontar" macam2 :p)

    best juga azio hotel tu ye kak...saya pun dok kondo istana last trip (end 2009), penah stay kat kondo/apartment naza (2007) & awana porto malai (2005) ...

  2. kak yan, kena mintak komisyen ni pasai promote hotel depa...hehe

  3. Hotel Azio tu nampak menarik la :-)

  4. as salam k.yan, hotel azio cantik la..

  5. walaupun hotel budget tapi nmpk sgt2 comfy kan kak... nanti i ank gi langkawi, i search balik sume ni kat your blog:)

  6. oho..
    luv u la kak yan..
    good information..

  7. pernah tition kat kondo istana..
    mmg terbaek la, apartment de 3 bilik yg i stayed aritu.. best, de swimming pool, mmg seswai tuk bawak kuarga.. =)

  8. rindu nak mai langkawi lagi. tq for sharing, byknya gambar.

    maybe 2 year from now bila ifran dah besar

  9. salam kak yan,
    brapa ongkosnya setiap satu malam tu utk 2 hotel tu?

  10. uhh..rindunya nak pi sana..

    byk benor perubahan di sana ye..

    thanks kak yan share this good info

  11. Thanks YAN.
    Satu info/tip berguna ni.
    Sebab I pun suka sangat Langkawi.

    Hotel tu tak pernah try lagi.
    Tapi pusat jualan gamat yg ada botol besar gedabak tu memang tiap kali pegi harus singgah.

    I suka beli Krim Kambing Gamat (yg botol pink) tu sebab sangat mujarab utk seisi keluarga!

    Siapalah Kita Untuk Diagungkan...

  12. thanks for the info yan..
    akak rasa akak suka hotel Azio tu..

  13. Assalam Sz,

    bestkan kalau dapat melontar tu.. My father cakap, itu aktiviti 'tawaf ki dai'..tawaf kedai..

    Istana kondo tu worth it kalau stay reramai.

    Akak just p kejap je waktu malam ke Awana Porto Malai tu.. Angan2 nak p dgn hubby.

  14. Assalam Afida,

    tulah kan.. promote taj berbayar. Tp share dgn member, kira komisyen lah tu..hee.. saja sesuka.

  15. Assalam Eynda,

    worth of yr money lah. budget hotel but 4 stars some of the ficilities. Akak suka katil n bathroomnya.

  16. Assalam Umiey,

    memang cantik beb. CUma bertanggalah.. Ok lah kan.. akak yg sakit lutut pun sampai ke atas tu..

  17. Assalam Maya,

    mmg comfortable. Highly recommended. Duk kat De Palma toilet pun tak best..

  18. Oooo..horlick..

    luv u too, darling Nurkass..
    Nnt leh share info lain ye..

  19. As salam, Azio hotel tue macam best jerrr. TQ kakYan.

  20. Salam Kak Yan..
    Thank you sharing info...Azio hotel dekat ngan pekan x kak...

  21. ♥Leily|Ummi Alya Husna♥ akak dpt info kat internet. ALHAMDULLILAH ok..suka akak..

  22. Matjoe,

    irfan akak dah besar.. so, happy dia kat sana.

  23. Assalam Rose,

    Kat kondo tu RM270.
    Kat azio, superior RM95 with window.

  24. Assalam Ati,

    mmg suka sgt. mudah dah nak bergerak sekarang. Ada highway lg.

  25. Assalam Kak Kasihredha,

    bagus kalau suka.. Tapi satu je kelemahannya.bertangga. Tak pe2..nnt boleh mintak staffs tolong angkat bags.. Tak susah..

  26. Assalam BSB,

    INSYALLAH u pun nnt suka kalau tido kat sana.

  27. Assalam CikSue,

    in Pekan Kuah. Banyakkk sangat tpt shopping.Sure u suka.

  28. saye dah lama tak pegi langkawi.

    bile igt langkawi. igt ferero resher. bole? hehehehehe

  29. thanx for thr great info friends .. anyway kondo dan hotel tuu memang nampak menarik dimata kuu :)

  30. ok sgt hotel tu sis. yg penting bukan rumah tumpangan anak anak dan ibu ibu ayam..hehe

  31. Assalam Miss B,

    i yg baru p ni pun dah windu..

  32. Assalam Ieda,

    no problem. sharing is caring.

  33. Assalam Lily,

    mmg best hotel tu. tak mcm hotel kat Phuket tu.. Mmg hotel ayam..

  34. 2 kali pegi dgn family dua2 kali tu sy duk kondo istana tu...dia stail apartment tu yg sy suka....kedai mkn tu pun sy pernah mkn...lg pun kondo istana senang nak soping dkt dgn pekan kuah..jln kaki pun sampai...

  35. Assalam Alida,

    tulahh.. ada gak yg lain. tp akak dapat yg ni murah sikit. Dah tu reviews travelers baik2 belaka.
