
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Teman Dari Sabah....

Since nothing activity yang i buat sampai hari ini, and when i scrolled down some of the pictures which i tak pernah cuci and put in the album, better for me to put as N3 in my blog..Kisah our friends yang now staying in Kota Kinabalu Sabah... Actually they are orang Semenanjung.. Staying in KK almost a decade. Azmi Ibnu Zaman is my hubby's friend when they studied in Texas... Old fren gitu.. Kebetulan when hubby got some job in Ranau..Kami berjumpa dengan diarang.

When they came to my shop...

The children were having and laugh together..
Seronoknya depa...
Kids with Chef Ciju and Chef Koya..
Dah mereka memang orang Semenanjung, so when the school holiday in December 2009, they balik their hometowns..Azmi's and Aisyah's...And they did almost every year...So, when they were around, they dropped by at my house and stayed overnite.. So, just untuk menyimpan kenangan, better i load some of the photos of us here...

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