
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Meet up with EX STTJ on May 15, 2010

After planning about a month after my trip to Bali, finally the SMALL MEET UP WITH EX STTJ (sekolah teknik tuanku jaafar, seremban, 1984 - 1985) became reality.. Even though the members who were attending tak lah ramai, 13 of us ( walaupun at first ramai yang kata ok je, tapi tak showed up pun because of their own reasons.. ). I am sure everyone was happy.. Banyak yang dibualkan..Some of us arrived quite late. But at last we could meet.. Tulah rasanya macam tak cukup masa dan masih banyak yang nak diceritakan ...This meet up was held at Secret Recipe, The Mall, Kuala Lumpur..
with Sarjit, my English 'teacher'....TQ Sarjit..
with Hairul also one of my buddy..TQ to Hairul yang bersusah payah mengambil form maktab and finally i became a teacher for almost 9 years..
My gourmet pie...
Hairul with chicken mushroom...
Me with my beloved buddy..Hope our friendship will stay sweet like us, ye Lyn....heee...
Arif (who still looks young except the grey hairs ), Hafiz (with new image because kami tak penah tengok pun), Buyau (or Zaini, still slim but looks old..sorryyy)
Dio (Saiful Anuar, business man now), and Kaha ( now be my regular customer. Eh! kuah pecal mana?? )
Azah Mus (Edlyn's twin wakil bebudak B ) and Zie (also one of my regular customer now)
Zaiton (yang memang i tak sangka boleh kawin dengan Hafiz)..Terasa ingin mengulang kembali nostalgia di ASPURI ...
Popia yang Hairul belanja..
Ema (Fatima Setapa) semua orang tertanya - tanya sapa ni ye???? Sebab dia adalah orang yang jarang dapat bersama - sama kalau ada reunion....
Actually this meet up i tried to suit with Ema's schedule (she is a very busy lecturer and has very tight schedule) because Ema lah orang yang dah lama other friends tak pernah jumpa..So, after discussing dengan Ema, this meet up was set on this day.

This meet up ended at almost 6.30 pm...Sorry guys i had to leave earlier sal hubby tak berapa sihat..Dan sorry gak dia tak dapat join our meet up...Really appreciate all your efforts to come to our meet up....INSYALLAH someone is organizing another meet up soon..

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