
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hamper for Kak Aji Lina.

Yesterday afternoon i got one bad news. Abang Aji Sham called and mentioned that Kak Aji Lina ada kat Prince Court..Undergo one minor surgery..Sinus.. eemmm tak berenti langsung Kak Aji ni sakit...So, i decide to pay a visit for her ari ni. So of course i wanna bring something for her. Just to cheer her up... So i went to Romantika, searched something for small hamper which i m gonna give her.. Antara yang diperlukan untuk membuat hamper ni, ini lah bembarang nya...

any baskets..but it is chosen as the best and suit one..
any chips or cracker
this glass canister i m gonna put the chips inside.
this magazine to kill her time but i have read this magazine.. Recycle...heee....
one mug so she has extra while being at the hospital..Walaupun udah tersedia semuanya di sana...
Ini dia chips yang telah dimasukkan dalam canister
So...ini lah hasil nya..simple je kan..arange je lebih kurang, but the most important thing is our remembrance to the beloved one...

Sebagai publicity - Harga hamper yang cam ni lebih kurang dalam RM85.

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