
Monday, April 5, 2010

Bali with Family - Itinerary ari ke 4, 5, 6, and 7

Day 4, April 4, 2010 ( Ubud transfer hotel )

Diam tak diam dah ari keempat dah.. All of us kena check out dari Tegal Sari Accommodation..Sayang sekali. we loved this place so much. but our stay here only 2 nites.  dah fully booked. But at least semua dapat tinggal kat sini. 
Bapak yang sering i temu tika nginap di Tegal Sari Accommodation

menu yang tak pernak i tak amik kalau nginap di sini..

As planned we had to move to Nick's Pension at Jalan Bisma.. dekat dengan Ubud Market... We checked out almost at 12 o'clock. Hari dah datang to help us. Iwan and Yuyun tak ada bersama - sama coz we just need one car in the afternoon to go to Denpasar.

 walau tak dapat bilik lagi, gambaq tetap gambaq...

Some of us dihantar oleh hotel shuttle milik Tegal Sari Accommodation. On the way ke sana, Azura called that our reservation was cancelled.. Aiikk.. kenapa lak jadi cam ni. Just went to the hotel. Rasa sakit perut lak aku. Ye lah mana lah tau buat nanti tak ada hotel lain, camne. Once i reached at the hotel, the receptionist said that the room were sold...She suggested us to go to Nick's Hidden. But when we reached there, i felt like to throw out. YA ALLAHHH.. jauh ke dalam. almost 200 meters. Camne dengan orang tua nanti ni. By some helps from Tegal Sari staffs, we ended up check in at Casa Ganesha. ALHAMDULLILAH.. tepi jalan.. Yeahhh.. there was a siliver lining behind the clouds. 

Macam - macam gaya bila dah sesat ni..

Casa Ganesha Hotel Statue. 

Our luggage.. penuh lobby.

Upon our arrival at Casa Ganesha.

After checked in, we went for lunch at Sumber Hidup, rumah makan nasi Padang at Jalan Peliatan. Bit pricey here. But everyone makan macam tak cukup pinggan. Berselera. Especially My Daddi..Sedap ye Bah..

semua suka belut goreng.

Almost at 14.00pm, as planned  after lunch the gurlz had to go to Denpasar. Shopping kain cotton. The rest had to go back to the hotel. Agenda sendiri. Santai - santai donk.. We went to denpasar,  unfortunately, the shop yang kami nak tuju tu tutup. GOSH.. today was Sunday. so frustrated. But Hari brought us to Jalan Kalimantan, and we tried to search any new shop along Jalan Sulewesi. Tutup tetap tutup. Tapi rezeki ALLAH, kami telah jumpa port baru for shopping barangan muslimah.SHOPPING SAKAN kat situ. Then we went to Ramayana Shopping Mall..spent about two hours there. 

 sate ada di sini..
ada sate internal organs. 
Ini lah tokey Ayam Betutu. Bukan we all tau.. yang dalam gamabr tu. hee. yang macam ayam tu.

We decided to go back, but on the way back, Hari gave some ideas that was better for us to buy food for the rest. "CObak aje Ayam Betutu, buk"..emmm something new..Kami borong lah.. cuma Rph 280,000..lumayan murah sih..Pedas tapi sedap.

Day 5, April 5, 2010 (Nadia went back - separated from group).

By Using hotel transfer (cost us Rph 300,000), me Zura and Irfan menghantar Nadia ke airport. Cuaca agak panas hari tu. On the way back to the hotel. kami amik peluan melelapkan mata... 

Ambik gambaq dulu sebelum dihantar ke airport. 

Sembang - sembang sambil tunggu airport transfer.

sedih pulak hati tengok Nadia melangkah pergi.

Once we reached at the hotel, the rest of us were ready for lunch. We went to Puteri Minang. Lapar betul..It was almost 15.00pm. 

After lunch we decided to take a walk to Ubud. Santai - santai je deh..Jalan pelan - pelan maka kami tak perlu supir..

Sampai lah kami ke Ubud Market.. Adalah sikit - sikit tangkapan yang telah dibuat. waktu dah hampir petang ni is the best time to do shopping. You could bargain as much as u could. Try lah. Hubby, Azmi, and kiddos just relaxed kat satu cafe.. Cafe Concert. After spending sometimes at the market, we went to the cafe and waited for the hotel shuttle to pick us up. Before the shuttle came,  i had coffee here. Great ambiance and coffee..

Malam pulak, almost 20.30pm, we went out to search for dinner.  But MALANG nya, the hotel shuttle not available. Blank.. camne nak p town. This hotel is not really suggested to others lah. I still prefer Tegal Sari Accommodation. 

Mutar - mutar di sekitar dan langsung kami terjumpa warung moslem. Apa lagi, borong.. Makan kat hotel.. It just cost us about Rph180,000.. so cheal.. heee... Baiknya tokey warung tu. siap pinjamkan kami mangkuk.. At the hotel we ate and unfortunately tak cukup pulak. heee.. Well, next round, me Hubby, Zura, and Luqman went to the warung again. and we had our meal there. 

Day 6, April 6, 2010 ( Moved to Legian)

Almost 12.00pm, Iwan, Yuyun and Hari were ready to fetch us, From Ubud, we went straight to Restoren Sederhana to have our lunch. I have been here many times. Kira the best lah macam tu. 
Yuyun ready dah..

 Kuta town center.

We had lunch here and just cost us about Rph 750,000. Sume orang berselera. 

After lunch we went straight to the hotel.. Before renovation, it was known as Bamboo Bed and Breakfast and now known as Tanaya Bed and Breakfast. Modern concept. It looked so great. After checked in, and the payment being made, some of us went to Denpasar. nak balas dendam beli kain cotton. Kami berjaya this time. heee..After borong, we went to Krishna to buy some ole - ole. Spent lmost 2 hours here, then we went back. on the way back, kami singgah makan malam di Depot Bayuman 187, Simpang Enam.. Pedas gila..macam sambal setan. hee.

 Tonite at the hotel we arranged to have some activities. Gift exchanging. But everything must be secret. Yang memberi dan yang menerima tidak boleh tau. SECRET!!!!! We did at the restaurant.. This place was only being used for breakfast. so, ok sangat lah kan..

hard to say good bye..

Before that me and hubby met Iwan,and the gang di kawasan restaurant. We settled the payment for the transportation. Thankful to Iwan and freiends who helped us.. We were so happy with their service. and everyone looked so happy too.

Day 7, April 7, 2010 (Bali - KL)

Last day, we just santai - santai aje. I went for foot masage. The rest did last minutes shopping. at 14.30pm, we went for lunch at the warung nearby. 

 Warung Enak.. eemmmm memang enak pun. 

Kami bertola dari hotel sekitar jam 1930pm. The distance between hotel to the ariport just took us about 15 minutes. So sad to say goodbye to Bali. But i had planned with hubby. we would come again next year and would like to stay in Bedugul and Sringaraja.. INSYALLAH..

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