
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Kuih dadar or kuih ketayap???

Kuih dadar or kuih ketayap sama je..But it is called by different name by each state..I know dadar first as the name then baru lah i tau some say ketayap..But ketayap has same meaning as kopiah..Whatever, i like it very much this kuih...Before this i knew how to do it from my late grand mom..And i really fall in love once i ate at Waikiki Cafe in Plaza Alam Sentral. And lucky me and Chef Ciju, he told us what the secret is..
All my boys like this kuih...Irfan too...
Ketayap or dadar - sama je..

The ingredients.
1.bowl of flour (120 gm)
2.2 eggs
3.pinch of salt
4.table spoon of cooking oil
5.coloring or pandan juice
6. 300ml coconut milk

100gm palm sugar
pandan leaves
coconut flakes (white part only)

How to make the filling??
1. Dissolve the palm sugar with water and put on heat.
2. Add pandan leaves
3. Add coconut flakes and stir the mixture until dry. Cool it before use it/

how to make it..

1. Put water in flour
2. Beat egg with whisk till blend
3. Pour the batter on to the non stick frying pan..
4. When the crepe is cooked, lift it up from pan.
5. Let it cool a while
7. Put two tables spoon of filling on the crepe, wrap it and roll it up like a spring roll..


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