
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Celebrating Birthday Boy at Manhattan Fish, Setia City Mall

Lamanya tak update my blog ni.. ok lah nak cite my activity. Last Friday, 14 December, 2012.. me and Chef CiJu, Chef KoYa and 2 abduls jalan - jalan ke Setia City Mall.. We were celebrating birthday actually. December macam bulan birthday in my family.. Ramai family members yang lahir in December. And we just received a new member in our  family on December 6, 2012. CiRah baru je dapat new baby boy.. ALHAMDULLILAH.. okkk..back to my story about Setia City Mall.
 As a treat, we went to have our lunch/dinner.. heee.. kat The Manhattan Fish.. Dah lama sangat tak ke sini.. I pun tak tau kenapa.. Last time rajin gak ke sini.. Anyway.. ini je yang nampak so suit to the birthday boy...
seemed everyone so happy nak celebrate christmas. 
ini lah dia birthday boy tuuu.. so close to Chef KoYa.. if she's around, sure i dia tak pandang... huuuhhhh... well in my family, we all are so close to each others. is so blessed.
birthday boy suka sangat dapat chance minum carbonated drink..
this boy pun suka - suka sangat..since still in school holiday, i bagi chance minum.. no more carbonated drink kalau dah start sekolah nanti.. so apa lagi.. depa pulun lahh. heee..
 well me tooo. heee... tapi i just took half of this. the resttt,, Abang Irfan yang habiskan.. as usual..
 we took starter.. sedap yang ni, mushroom something lah. now i forgot the name. but kalau makan kat sini, sure ini memang i order.
 as main, we took this.. puas hati..ada nasi gak..
 tak cukup yang tu, tambah yang ni..
plus ni.. sedapppp..
 lepas makan, we went to H & M.. this mamat requested new jeans.. maka ke sini lah i. kira - kira macam birthday present lahh.. ALHAMDULILAH tak mintak yang bukan - bukan lahh..
maka mencari lah i.. see how serious muka i ni.. al maklum lah.. kalau mencari barang for them ni.. YA ALLAH.. lotih dibuat nya.. makan jam.. lari sana, lari sini.. nak suruh tukar seluar pun, haru dibuatnya..
 yang best nya helper cam Chef KoYa and Chef CiJu lah yang menyenangkan hidup i. heeee..
after berhempas pulas, dapat lah 3 helai jeans for him. requested slim cut ..hamboiii... layan je lahh..besar dah my little boy ni. just turned 8..muda umur kann..
 lepas makan tadi tu sebenarnya i layan diri kejap. singgah buat pedicure and manicure. seronoknya.. 
 saje je pampered myself..
 another pamper session. heee...mencuba this make up.. ETUDE HOUSE..sape - sape peminat barangan Korea, sure mencuba this product..
 tadah lah muka i untuk ditenyeh....
 sume nya gara - gara minah berdua ni.. Chef Ciju and Chef KoYa..Heiii..yang sebenarnya nak bawak dua Abduls tu jenjalan. mak budak lak yang terlebih bershopping. haru tul.. 
after make up, disuruh lak bergambar di sini.. layan je lahhh.. tapi tak lah seccantik yang di light box tu....product ni tak lah mahal sangat. affordable.. dan cantik.. i just beli compact powder and eye shadow je.. sebab mine dah almost habis.. Ok lahh.. kena balik.. so tired.. really tired..need to rest...
Volume 1, Book 3, Number 57 :
Narrated by 'Abdullah bin 'Amr
Once the Prophet remained behind us in a journey. He joined us while we were performing ablution for the prayer which was over-due. We were just passing wet hands over our feet (and not washing them properly) so the Prophet addressed us in a loud voice and said twice or thrice: "Save your heels from the fire."


  1. Mcm best lak bace. Heee! MFM? Hubby sy x suke. Overdose sket, mst berpeluh muke. Muak! Heeee!

  2. selamat hari lahir ye..semoga menjadi anak yg solleh :)
    kami pun suka makan TMF, selalu pegi yg kat IPC n kalau blk kg singgah kat jusco seremban...amani suka sgt nasi with ikn dori grill..sedap!

    1. tq auntie mas..INSYALLAHH

      MFM ni makan reramai lagi best. boleh share..

  3. wak pon nk ucap hepi besday boboi tu yee.. ehHHee

  4. selamat hari jadi... dah besar nak bergaya macam org besar la.. hehe.. suka gak pegi SCM.. best.. siapkan duit aja... hehe

    1. tq auntie..

      tu lah kann.. pandai memilih dah pulak now..

  5. Dah 8 tahun ye kak? Alhamdulillah. Moga terus membesar menjadi Anak yang solehah dan kenang jasa ibu bapanya. In Sha Allah. Ella pun macam Farah kak, tak berapa "in" dengan MFM. Makan lebih, muak. Lagipun "portion" dia besar .. susah nak habis.

    Ella boleh bayangkan suasana sopink tu kak .. dgn budak2 lari sana sini .. meriah+penat=best!!

    1. ALHAMDULLILAH.. dah 8 tahun.. dah makin besar..

      akak suka je dgn MFM.. boleh laaaahhh...

      heyyyy...fening.. ALHAMDULLILAH ada assistants.

  6. Alhamdulillah bertambah usia, moga jadi anak soleh dan penyejuk hati ayah ibu:)

  7. ingat anak sis nk jumpers baby tu..hiks

  8. salam kakyan... happy bday to bdayboy tu eh...

  9. seronok ler dia sampai dapat 3 pasang jean sekali gus......
    pastu dpt makan yg best! he3......

  10. nyue singgah follow blog nie :)

    btw, thanks taw sudi singgah blog nyue yg xseberapa tu akk...

    bestnyerr borong kat outlet johor..nyue xpernah sampai ag kat outlet tu, insyallah nty berkemampuan..hehehe....

  11. Assalam pengenalan sis. I just love your pix - semuanya sekali! and HB2 the cute boy. Boys and corbonated drinks (a'ahh ada 2 kat my house, sama je). TC and happy new year.
