
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bibik oohhhh Bibik.

Huuuhhh...feel so relief.. today i wanna go to LCCT.. Bukan pergi travel..NOOOOO.. i m sending my maid to the airport. send her back home for good. LEGAAAA... Remember or not yang i keep telling  that we ate out, ate out..Since balik dari Kashmir, almost every time memang ate out. Breakfast, BELI. Malam, dine out, lunch sendiri - sendiri lah kan sebab semua kerja. .Afternoon, after fetching kids, makan luar gak. Pocket pun naik pening. Tau je lah kann.. Anak - anak kalau  makan tuuuu biasalahkan..... heee..But still ALHAMDULLILAH..Ok i will tell you guys, what happened. 

Benda ni jadi masa i kat KASHMIR lagi. Sebelum travel i asked my parents to come, but they refused. My Daddi ni schedule dia bit tight.  Even dah pencen. Tapi one day masa i tried call Chef CiJu, her phone  unanswered as usual lah.. Then tried sekali lagi and  My Mommy picked up. Terkejut lah i kan. Why diarang boleh mai pulak kat rumah i. But then she  told me that Chef CiJu sakit teruk dan sedang jumpa doc. Dia dapat heart burn.. Teruk punya lah. (jenis yang kalau sakit boleh pengsan - pengsan gitu..)

Sampai lah i balik, i noticed condition Chef CiJu really bad.. SO DAMN BAD. Lepas tu i sembang dengan Chef CiJu.. She told me she felt uneasy with the Bibik.. Sebenarnya our relationship dengan Bibik ni bit weird. Jenis a bit of show off gak lah. Satu lagi jenis yang setiap kali i bukak mulut, pasti she answers  me back.. IT IS A MUST. JAWAB BALIK.. Dia ni ada sikit experience lah before came and worked with me.. At first memanglah i suka. Yelah orang pandai datang kerja kat rumah kita. Cuci tangan lah kita kan.. Well memula sampai tu je dia dah cakap B i b i k  l a m a tak buat itu lah tak buat ini lah..kenapa bodoh sangat, malas sangat, macam - macam dikatanya  orang lama tu. I ni jenis orang yang lenient sikit dengan Bibik2 ni.. Kalau dah sibuk kat dapur, habuk kat meja ada pun i tak berapa kesah. (BUKAN TAK KESAH SEBENARNYA, KESAH..tapi i malas nak bising..). Bab menjawab ni bukan takat i, my parents pun dijawabnya.. Dia menjawab tu i rasa macam nak depend diri lahh. Another thing adalah dia tak nak menampakkan diri dia macam orang tak tau lahh... ADA SAJA EXCUSES. Then bila kita tegur apa yang salah tu, dia jawab dan macam tak leh terima. Tarik muka. Macam berontak gitu lah..Lama - lama i JARANG sangat berbual or tegur dia..

At first 2 months tu dia kecoh sangat tentang kami solat atau tidak.. Ada ke patut.. Sibuk sound kami, dah solat ke belumm..Dia sibuk lah mengaji kuat - kuat. Kelakar lah kan. I bukan kata tak boleh tegur ke apa. Tapi cara dia menegur tu memag menyakit kan hati.. Seolah - olah macam dia MAK i.. KELAKAR lah kan.. Hang tu maid aku.. awat nya kan.. Dia yang paling suka di provoke nya adalah Chef CiJu.. Maka, memang tak boleh bertemu bulu dengan Chef CiJu.. 

Satu lagi dia keep claiming that, kami tak sayang dia.. heee. HELOOOOO.. nak sayang wat pe. You just my maid ok... MAID.. YOU ARE MY MAID. bukan siapa2.. (sebenarnya kami ni bukan manusia zolim, baik - baik aje.) Then i asked her back why dia berfikiran kami tak sayang dia.. I cakap dengan  dia, sebab mulut dia yang kasar dan suka menjawab lah maka orang jarang - jarang nak  bercakap dengan dia. Satu lagi dia ni DEGIL. Susah nak dengar cakap. Dia merasakan diri dia betul. Anak - anak i pun jadi rude tau.. I memang tak suka hal ini terjadi.. Before this anak - anak i baik dengan maid. Siap boleh dansa - dansa dan nyanyi - nyanyi dangdut  lagi dengan maid - maid lama tau..

Another one, (berapa banya satu daaa...). She's a jealousy person. Jeles dengan Chef CiJu. Chef CiJu ni kan Chef kitarang. Nak makan apa je, cakap.. Then this Bibik hangatlah bila food yang dia masak kami tak berapa nak makan.. Sebenarnya bukan tak makan pun.. Makan. cuma cara masak dia tu kureng sikit kat tekak kitarang ni. Jadi just dia masak simple - simple je lah untuk anak - anak.. Siap cakap macam ni, "ooo..kalau cik ju masak semua makan habis.. kalau aku masak, tak makan". Ada boleh ke tu??? heeee..

Bab - bab yang atas ni sebenarnya tak lah berapa i kesah sangat..(sebenarnya tiap hari sakit hati je).  Sehinggalah waktu i di Kashmir serious thing happened. Chef CiJu ni adalah bekas pelajar Darul Syifa'..Bab - bab mystic ni dia boleh rasa - rasa lah... Lepas satu malam tu, dia berrtikam lidah dengan Bibik. Dan keesokan harinya dia diserang sakit yang agak teruk.. (tapi ini semua kehendak ALLAH ye.) Before this, bila ada perselisihan faham dengan Bibik dia selalu akan rasa pelik. , once dia masuk bilik, dia pasti akan tercium bau busuk. Kami - kami ni kalau masuk tak lah pulak bau.. Cuma dia je.. Heiiissss.. poning eden jadinya tau..

Then bila one day Hubby berusul dengna one of his fren yang agak pandai dengan benda - benda mistik ni, terus kawan dia cakap, "You have to do something..Ada something yang macam Nenek Kebayan di rumah you,"..MAKKKK AIIIIIII.. tak ke tuuuuu.. Terus malam tu, invited NekCik dengan kawan dia, Cik Mat  ke rumah.. Kira orang  pandai bab - bab mystic ni  lah..Tapi guna quran lah.. Bukan BOMOH. Cik Mat memang dapat merasakan ada sesuatu yang mengiring my Bibik.. Dia ada gak guna something like minyak - minyak ni.. Minyak orang mati katanya...SO, since then, we decided tak nak makan apa - apa yang dimasak oleh my Bibikk..TAKUT..Tapi Cik Mat menjaminkan bahawa INSYALLAH tiada ada - ada yang perlu dilkhuatirkan. Kalau ada masalah, sentiasa berdua'a..

So, today i dah nak hantar dia balik.. Kalau nak kata rugi, i memang rugi.. Banyak berhabis dengan dia ni. Tapi demi keselamatan me and my family, tak apa lah.. Now, no maid. I will receive my ex maid, B I B I K  I S   (baca tau cerita Bibik Is ni)yang sanggup mai during ramadan nanti..Nak tukar baru, i have to spend about RM12K. Tak gila. Tapi tak pe..Pelan - pelan lahh..Memang kena banyak sabar. SABARUN MINAL IMAN. Lepas hantar dia, i rasa nak gi shopping lahhh.. BERGUMBIRA..heee..
 Volume 8, Book 73, Number 4 :
Narrated by 'Abdullah bin 'Amr
Allah's Apostle said. "It is one of the greatest sins that a man should curse his parents." It was asked (by the people), "O Allah's Apostle! How does a man curse his parents?" The Prophet said, "'The man abuses the father of another man and the latter abuses the father of the former and abuses his mother."

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Shopping Time at Isetan..ada SALE..

Last Saturday lepas makan kenduri di Gombak, ingat tak pasal M a r b l e   P i e   B r o w n i e s tu..Nak balik rumah terus macam tak best je.. And it was too hot somemore. So we decided to go to One Utama..Ingat nak did some shopping for the kids. Al maklum, kids growing.. and satu lagi nak travel ni all the cloths sume dah tak berapa nak fit lagi.. Menujulah kami ke sana..We went to the old wings. Cari GUESS, tak ada kat sini rupamya, kat New Wings ropa - ropanya..
Ternampak ISETAN. terus je masuk.. Cari punya cari, tengok kat SEED nampak menarik.. Emmm..di sini saja lahh. Kalau shopping dengan Hubby, yang jelas, cari tempatnya dan terus beli. Then makan, and balik..heee..NO WINDOW SHOPPING okkkk..
 Bila shopping sama depa ni, kerja 10 minutes jadi 30 minutes.. Haru.. berlari ke sana - sini..
 Kat sini just for Abang Irfan yang ada size.
Yang lain sibuk lak posing sana sini..
 Untuk Abang Luqman, nanti aje di sana!!!!!...Di mana tuuuu?????heee..tungguuuu..
 Nasib baik ada tukang layan.. I dah tak kose dah melayan depa ni.. Sakit tulang belakang i...Ini adalah hasil tangkapan buat Abang Irfan. ALHAMDULLILAH spent RM700 plus kat sini. Kalau kat GUESS, mau bocor terus pocket. Then dapat FREE GIFT..Dapat sampai 4 sets lagi..
Baju yang dibeli, ada 5 helai. 2 jeans dan slacks.
SEED watch for free gifts. Ada 3 color strips lagi..
 Also no size for Abang 'Imran..
After spending our time here kami terus keluar. Just tengok - tengok..Ingat nak minum je. I baru teringat, shoes for kids too.. So we went to Crocs.Ingat nak intai - intai je.. Tapiiiiiiii....akhirnya..
 Well...well...eeemmm ini orang sudah grabbed one pair of shoes..Siap pakai terus..Size 12 gitu.. Besar sungguh..
 I takat mencuba. Rasa malas lak.. My shoes still in good shape lagi..
Ini pulak hasil tangkapan di Crocs. 'Anak - anak Sidek' dapat semua, Chef CiJu gak dapat, Miz Pija pun dapat..ALHAMDULLILAH..RM1K bye..byeeee...Rezeki anak - anak. Tak kira lepas ni i nak beli gak satu.. heee...
Me with my handmade Kahmir Shawl. Very warm and quite big.Ok ke color tu??
Memasing happy..semua dapat..Cuma mak pak depa je yang tak dapat..Nantiiii..tungguuuu yeee...I  nak shopping sakan.. Kat mana tu????heee..ada lahhhh...Nak travel from June 9 till June 14... babaiii..Bukan LONDON lahhh.tak mampu lagi... tanah seberang  je..
Volume 3, Book 47, Number 747 :
Narrated by As-Sa'b bin Jaththama

An onager was presented to Allah's Apostle at the place called Al-Abwa' or Waddan, but Allah's Apostle rejected it. When the Prophet noticed the signs of sorrow on the giver's face he said, "We have not rejected your gift, but we are in the state of Ihram." (i.e. if we were not in a state of Ihram we would have accepted your gift, Fateh-al-Bari page 130, Vol. 6)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Jommm makan Olio Big Prawn..

Jommm.. kita lunch.. alaaaa..late lunch.. Hee.. Chef CiJu prepared for us this.. Nampak tak udang tuu.. K a k c i k , A c u , H a n i e , D a d d y   Z i y y a d .. Jommmm..

 Datang rapat sikitttt...
 Lagi rapattttt..

Eerrrgghhh...ALHAMDULILAHHH.. Lepas ni nak gi One Utama..Byeee..

Monday, May 28, 2012

Old City Srinagar

"Gar firdaus, ruhe zamin ast, hamin asto, hamin asto, hamin ast." If there is ever a heaven on earth, its here, its here, its here.

"What has it got there?!"
......It has got 'things' that you have to see with your own eyes.
......It has got the 'things' that I could not find from where I was from.
......It has got the 'things' that I cried for because I didn't want to leave them.

...And until now, it has been almost  two months I still have dreams almost every night about my powerful and wonderful trip to the Paradise on Earth, Kashmir. 

I miss the moment i was strolling  the old city of Srinagar which reflects medieval charm and speaks volumes of the past history of the place 
One of the nine bridges are Zero Bridge, Amira Kadal, Budshah Kadal, Habba Kadal, Fateh Kadal, Zaina Kadal, Aali Kadal, Nawa Kadal and Safa Kadal, but i cant remembered what the name of this bridge.
The view from any of the old city's bridges is wholly and unmistakably Kashmiri. Old brick buildings line the banks. Zaina kadal, ,the first wooden bridge   made by Sultan Zain-Ul-Abideen is still a famous bridge of old city, in picture view of Budshah Tomb with some old houses around.

Looking for food  in the muddy water of the River Jehlum.
Shrine Khanqa-e-moula/Shah e Hamdan situated on the banks of river Jehlum Srinagar Kashmir

A shop decked with Kashmiri spices in old city downtown Srinagar Kashmir.

wooden mosque - Shah el Hamdan
The historic Hari Prabhat fort can be seen from the road of old city.

Intricate design of a window
...playing cricket on the road on Sunday.
Roads in the old city tend to be narrow, winding and chaotic. Some are too narrow to admit vehicular traffic.
A make-shift shop selling indigenous kashmiri snacks. These shops are mostly found around shrines and mosques of the valley.
selling fresh chicken.
fire brigade
public ttransport
i walked  through famous alley in local parlance. walking toward the Tomb of the Mother of Zain ul Abidin.
The Tomb of the mother of Sultan Zain-Ul-Abideen (1420-70) popularly known as Budshah is a splendid blend of Kashmiri-Turkish architecture.
just love it. A typical alley in Old City
small mosque 
graveyard and town

just people
Great moment here. Spending time strolling the old city...I miss the sights, the smells of the town and the sounds hustle bustle of the city  “Venice of East”. Old structures lined along the Nallah Mar road from both sides. I miss the beauty of the old city of Srinagar. a city where history and beauty blend in seamlessly.  So, come for yourself and find out why it is still called the heaven on earth.

Volume 4, Book 52, Number 41 :

Narrated by Abdullah bin Masud
I asked Allah's Apostle, "O Allah's Apostle! What is the best deed?" He replied, "To offer the prayers at their early stated fixed times." I asked, "What is next in goodness?" He replied, "To be good and dutiful to your parents." I further asked, what is next in goodness?" He replied, "To participate in Jihad in Allah's Cause." I did not ask Allah's Apostle anymore and if I had asked him more, he would have told me more.