
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Santai - santai dengan anak - anak seharian...

Outing time with my boys is a must for us.. This time we went to Bukit Bintang to buy some cloth for them..Complaints from them.."Alahhh...adik punya seluar dah singkat lah ", claims si 'Imran.."Buk, seluar ifan udah enggak bisa dipake lagi," Bibik complaint..... or " Ibu, Luqman nak seluar baru lah"...So me and hubby brought them to Bukit Bintang..Sure lengang KL ari ni..semalam baru Christmas... We arrived at 12.05pm.. After went for vallet parking kami terus went to Sungai Wang Plaza dan terus masuk ke Padini Store..
Ini lah gelagat si kecik dan si sedang dalam fitting room area...Macam rumah depa...
See Ticha, this is Abang Ifan
Found everything for Abang Luqman. Shirt, jeans, slacks, and belts..Almost RM500 juga lah... So Abang Luq, and Hubby pun happy..Mamat dua tu , bising kan main...Sebab this store not mend for them...

Then we went out from this plaza..So thirsty and ingat nak isi perut dulu..No breakfast pun pagi tadi....So this is the place kami lepak...First Cup Cafe...Amik port paling selesa...Lepak kat kedai tu, macam kedai tu kami yang punya..

So lenganglah sal ari ni masih cuti ..Kan semalam Christmas.. We ordered macam - macam but just light things je..Macam ice cream, pancakes, and cream mushroom soup....We spent almost half an hour here.

Emmm yum yumm kan Abang 'Imran???
I asked hubby if he liked to do the foot massage, and he agreed.. So we went to My Best Friend Foot Massage..

Memang tempat routine aku and hubby.... Well the kids also looked so excited to go..Once masuk, no other customer in the place..So liked macam kami yang konker tempat ni. I took foot massage, hubby too then went for body massage..Well Abang Luq pun tak nak miss..He did take foot massage too..Dua orang lagi pun merengek..But i persuaded them to go for fish spa..Emmm melompat - lompat suka..Well akhir nya mak dia pun ikut sama..heee...Enjoyed gak lah....

After spending almost one and half hour, we went to Metrojaya, to buy another cloths for another two little rascals..hee... Grap yang ok, dapatlah dia East India, Poney, and another satu lagi brand..Entah apa tah...Another RM550 fly and fly.......Then kami cuci - cuci mata sikit kat Plaza Bukit Bintang. Tak beli apa - apa pun...

These three boys looked so happy and hubby said enough for today... Tapiaku melepas lah nak menyopping..Yelah kesian kat hubby.....Then we heading back to Plaza Low Yat and waited for our car at the valet parking

But on the way back, we just realized that we have not taken our lunch yet .. So perut pun berlagu merdu..And on the way back, heading to Tai PanTak dak port lain, we just went to Nailis... Emmm.. makan lah..and almost maghrib, baru kita balikk...Puhhh penat but it was really enjoyable...Anak - anak Sidek pun berbahagia....

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Reunion yang tak berapa nak menjadi

Dapat call and invitation thru FB dari ex student SKJP. Diarang nak buat reunion on December 23, 2009, few days before Christmas, di Times Square..Believe or not, since this building bukak, tak pernah sekali i go there. Kalau Chef Ciju, ye..Memang port dia..So excited to meet them.. Selain memurid, ada gak beberapa cikgu yang involved. Dapat lah i jumpe diarang..
In christmas mood...
Chef Ciju sesaja je masuk pasal nak tangkap gambo
Tiba waktu dijanjikan, i pun sampailah di Times Square..Macam jakun lah pulak.. Masuk - masuk je, sempat snap few photos..Menerai camera baru tu.. Yang jadi mangsa Chef Cijulah... Then terus ke food courtnya.. Disebabkan dah lama tak jumpe memurid ni, i really cant recognize them.. So tunggu je lah..Almost half an hour, Suria Yamat dan Azah pun tiba..Kami makan dulu..Then baru Kak Murdiana Noni Akmar, my best fren..Yang selalu gelak macam nak pecah perut..
Tengok tu..
Mee too.Buat tebiat lak begamba dengan patung ni
Chef Ciju sakan lagi
Tapikan anak2 murid yang ditunggu ni tak juga muncul and we made a conclusion, they couldnt make it.. Nak buat cam ne.. Well we decided to go for proper lunch..Tapi i cant remember the place...Kami berborak kat sini dan makan..But the service was too bad..Anyway food dia ok lah..Lagipun lapar memasing..
Sebenarnya nak tunjuk dia punya emas tuu...
Kak Ena with her drink
Me with Azah and Chef Ciju
Kak Diana and Suria
Nasib baik sedap sume food dia..Kalau tak..lambat sangat service..
Four of us..Tak mungkin terulang lagi...
After makan, kami pusing - pusing sambil window shopping. Because of no specific things we were looking for, we ended up our meet up by saying good bye.. promised to meet again in the future. INSYALLAH...